
时间:2019-04-22 20:01:16

标签: python tensorflow keras

我在手电筒中有一些代码,需要用Keras编写。 coudlu,请告诉我如何将其从火炬变为喀拉拉邦?如何在keras中定义张量而不是在火炬中定义torch.tensor

self.dct_conv_weights = torch.tensor(gen_filters(8, 8, dct_coeff), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device)


class JpegCompression(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, device, yuv_keep_weights = (25, 9, 9)):
        super(JpegCompression, self).__init__()
        self.device = device

        self.dct_conv_weights = torch.tensor(gen_filters(8, 8, dct_coeff), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device)
        self.idct_conv_weights = torch.tensor(gen_filters(8, 8, idct_coeff), dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device)

        self.yuv_keep_weighs = yuv_keep_weights
        self.keep_coeff_masks = []

        self.jpeg_mask = None

        # create a new large mask which we can use by slicing for images which are smaller
        self.create_mask((1000, 1000))

    def create_mask(self, requested_shape):
        if self.jpeg_mask is None or requested_shape > self.jpeg_mask.shape[1:]:
            self.jpeg_mask = torch.empty((3,) + requested_shape, device=self.device)
            for channel, weights_to_keep in enumerate(self.yuv_keep_weighs):
                mask = torch.from_numpy(get_jpeg_yuv_filter_mask(requested_shape, 8, weights_to_keep))
                self.jpeg_mask[channel] = mask

    def get_mask(self, image_shape):
        if self.jpeg_mask.shape < image_shape:
        # return the correct slice of it
        return self.jpeg_mask[:, :image_shape[1], :image_shape[2]].clone()

    def apply_conv(self, image, filter_type: str):

        if filter_type == 'dct':
            filters = self.dct_conv_weights
        elif filter_type == 'idct':
            filters = self.idct_conv_weights
            raise('Unknown filter_type value.')

        image_conv_channels = []
        for channel in range(image.shape[1]):
            image_yuv_ch = image[:, channel, :, :].unsqueeze_(1)
            image_conv = F.conv2d(image_yuv_ch, filters, stride=8)
            image_conv = image_conv.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
            image_conv = image_conv.view(image_conv.shape[0], image_conv.shape[1], image_conv.shape[2], 8, 8)
            image_conv = image_conv.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
            image_conv = image_conv.contiguous().view(image_conv.shape[0],


            # image_conv = F.conv2d()

        image_conv_stacked = torch.cat(image_conv_channels, dim=1)

        return image_conv_stacked

    def forward(self, noised_and_cover):

        noised_image = noised_and_cover[0]
        # pad the image so that we can do dct on 8x8 blocks
        pad_height = (8 - noised_image.shape[2] % 8) % 8
        pad_width = (8 - noised_image.shape[3] % 8) % 8

        noised_image = nn.ZeroPad2d((0, pad_width, 0, pad_height))(noised_image)

        # convert to yuv
        image_yuv = torch.empty_like(noised_image)
        rgb2yuv(noised_image, image_yuv)

        assert image_yuv.shape[2] % 8 == 0
        assert image_yuv.shape[3] % 8 == 0

        # apply dct
        image_dct = self.apply_conv(image_yuv, 'dct')
        # get the jpeg-compression mask
        mask = self.get_mask(image_dct.shape[1:])
        # multiply the dct-ed image with the mask.
        image_dct_mask = torch.mul(image_dct, mask)

        # apply inverse dct (idct)
        image_idct = self.apply_conv(image_dct_mask, 'idct')
        # transform from yuv to to rgb
        image_ret_padded = torch.empty_like(image_dct)
        yuv2rgb(image_idct, image_ret_padded)

        # un-pad
        noised_and_cover[0] = image_ret_padded[:, :, :image_ret_padded.shape[2]-pad_height, :image_ret_padded.shape[3]-pad_width].clone()

        return noised_and_cover


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