>>> (5, 500, 500, 2)
# This is five images, 500x500 pixels, and two bands per image.
# need to convert this to float in order to do the next step
sat_data_float = initial_satellite_data.astype(np.float32)
# 255 values signify areas without data, so converting that to nan
# get the average across the different images
average_image = np.nanmean(np_imageset, axis=0)
>>> (500, 500, 2)
作为一个大致如何在此处显示数据的示例,是一些代码生成了我确实想要插值的噪声和不想在单波段图像上插值的丢失块的类型:< / p>
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)
y = x[:, None]
average_image = x + y
# Destroy some values - this is about the amount of missing
# data I have that I want to interpolate across
mask = np.random.random(average_image.shape) > 0.98
average_image[mask] = np.nan
# Now destroy a whole corner that might be missing and it
# doesn't make sense to interpolate into this mass of missing data
average_image[0:80, 0:80] = np.nan
# Here should be some interpolation process, I've been able to interpolate in 1D across the row and that actually works well
# enough to get rid of the missing individual pixels but I can't do a sanity check to make sure it isn't interpolating a pixel 50 pixels away from real data.
interpolated_image = average_image
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax0.imshow(average_image, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
ax0.set_title('Input image')
ax1.imshow(interpolated_image, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
ax1.set_title('Interpolated data')