怎么把Opencv Mat转换成Tensor RT float4 *?

时间:2019-04-22 07:09:40

标签: c++ opencv image-processing tensorrt

我正在使用Tensor RT,并且在opencv::Mat中有输入图像,我想将其加载到下面的函数中并将其转换为float4*。下面的函数在const char* filename中接收文件名的路径。

下面的函数将使用QImage读取文件名并将其转换为float4*。假设我有cv::Mat input而不是文件名路径,并且我想不使用Matfloat4*直接转换为QImage。有什么办法吗?


bool loadImageRGBA( const char* filename, float4** cpu, float4** gpu, int* width, int* height )
    if( !filename || !cpu || !gpu || !width || !height )
        printf("loadImageRGBA - invalid parameter\n");
        return false;

    // verify file path
    const std::string path = locateFile(filename);

    if( path.length() == 0 )
        printf("failed to find image '%s'\n", filename);
        return false;

    // load original image
    QImage qImg;

    if( !qImg.load(path.c_str()) )
        printf("failed to load image '%s'\n", path.c_str());
        return false;

    if( *width != 0 && *height != 0 )
        qImg = qImg.scaled(*width, *height, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio);

    const uint32_t imgWidth  = qImg.width();
    const uint32_t imgHeight = qImg.height();
    const uint32_t imgPixels = imgWidth * imgHeight;
    const size_t   imgSize   = imgWidth * imgHeight * sizeof(float) * 4;

    printf("loaded image  %s  (%u x %u)  %zu bytes\n", filename, imgWidth, imgHeight, imgSize);

    // allocate buffer for the image
    if( !cudaAllocMapped((void**)cpu, (void**)gpu, imgSize) )
        printf(LOG_CUDA "failed to allocated %zu bytes for image %s\n", imgSize, filename);
        return false;

    float4* cpuPtr = *cpu;

    for( uint32_t y=0; y < imgHeight; y++ )
        for( uint32_t x=0; x < imgWidth; x++ )
            const QRgb rgb  = qImg.pixel(x,y);
            const float4 px = make_float4(float(qRed(rgb)), 

            cpuPtr[y*imgWidth+x] = px;

    *width  = imgWidth;
    *height = imgHeight;    
    return true;

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