
时间:2019-04-21 08:34:39

标签: python numpy tensorflow mutable numpy-ndarray

我正在使用 TensorFlow 2.0 中的个人图像增强功能。更具体地说,我编写了一个返回随机缩放图像的函数。其输入是image_batch,形状为:的多维numpy数组

(no. images, height, width, channel)


(31, 300, 300, 3)


def random_zoom(batch, zoom=0.6):
    Performs random zoom of a batch of images.
    It starts by zero padding the images one by one, then randomly selects
     a subsample of the padded image of the same size of the original.
    The result is a random zoom

    # Import from TensorFlow 2.0
    from tensorflow.image import resize_with_pad, random_crop

    # save original image height and width
    height = batch.shape[1]
    width = batch.shape[2]

    # Iterate over every image in the batch
    for i in range(len(batch)):
        # zero pad the image, adding 25-percent to each side
        image_distortion = resize_with_pad(batch[i, :,:,:], int(height*(1+zoom)), int(width*(1+zoom)))

        # take a subset of the image randomly
        image_distortion = random_crop(image_distortion, size=[height, width, 3], seed = 1+i*2)

        # put the distorted image back in the batch
        batch[i, :,:,:] = image_distortion.numpy()

    return batch


new_batch = random_zoom(image_batch)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

好吧,这一行batch[i, :,:,:] = image_distortion.numpy()修改了作为参数传递的数组。

您的困惑可能源于对另一种语言的熟悉,例如C ++,其中隐式复制了作为参数传递的对象。


因此,您可能想在函数开始时做类似batch = batch.copy()的事情。