def book_clicked(self):
self._checked_items = []
for i in range(self.tableWidget.rowCount()):
for j in range(self.tableWidget.columnCount()):
item = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked:
self.v = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(j).text()
self.h = self.tableWidget.verticalHeaderItem(i).text()
self._checked_items.append([self.h, self.v, self.tableWidget.item(i, j).text()])
def addBooking(self):
now = QDate.currentDate()
now1 = now.toString(Qt.DefaultLocaleLongDate)
room,lesson,irr = zip(*self._checked_items)
connection = sqlite3.connect("roombooking.db")
c = connection.cursor()
idLb = connection.execute("SELECT bookingID,lessonBooked FROM Booking WHERE dateBooked = ?",([now1]))
idLb = idLb.fetchall()
bID, lesBk = zip(*idLb)
rm = connection.execute("SELECT roomNO FROM BookedRoom WHERE bookingID = ?",([bID[0]]))
rm = rm.fetchall()
for rooms in rm:
print (rooms)
if rooms == room:
#This checks to see if the rooms in the BookedRoom table match the room that user has chosen
for lessons in lesBk:
#This gets all the lessonsBooked for todays date
for lesson1 in lesson:
#This gets all the lessons that the user wants to book
if lessons == lesson1:
#If any of them match then the error shows
self.bookError = Ui_Dialog1()
## Allow Booking ##
# Insert into Booking table #
lastBookingId = []
print ("Allow Booking")
for item in lesson:
c.execute("INSERT INTO Booking (lessonBooked, dateBooked, username) VALUES (?,?,?)",(item,now1,self.username))
lastBookingId.append (c.lastrowid)
# Insert into BookedRoom table #
for i in range (len (lastBookingId)):
roomb = room[i]
lastBookingId1 = lastBookingId[i]
print (roomb)
print (lastBookingId1)
c.execute ("INSERT INTO BookedRoom (roomNO, bookingID) VALUES (?, ?)",(roomb,lastBookingId1))
## Allow Booking ##
def create_user_table():
sql = """create table User
(username text,
password text,
teacher bit,
primary key(username))"""
create_table(db_name,"User", sql)
def create_booking_table():
sql = """create table Booking
(bookingID integer,
lessonBooked text,
dateBooked text,
username text,
primary key(bookingID)
foreign key(username) references User(username))"""
create_table(db_name,"Booking", sql)
def create_room_table():
sql = """create table Room
(roomNO text,
location text,
roomType text,
primary key(roomNO))"""
create_table(db_name,"Room", sql)
def create_bookedroom_table():
sql = """create table BookedRoom
(roomNO text,
bookingID integer,
primary key(roomNO, bookingID)
foreign key(roomNO) references Room(roomNO)
foreign key(bookingID) references Booking(bookingID))"""
create_table(db_name,"BookedRoom", sql)
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