Export CSV records with association data

时间:2019-04-17 00:48:06

标签: ruby csv

I am creating a CSV export for pdforms in my Rails application. At the moment, I have this method in my pdform model.

def self.as_csv 
  attributes = %w{user date_start date_finish location event_name description acct_num sub reason impact uuid topic}
  CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
    csv << attributes

    all.each do |user|
      csv << attributes.map { |attr| user.send(attr) }

This works as intended, however, as shown in attributes, I have a user. I when exporting this CSV I am shown the User object. I would like to show the email of the user in the exported CSV.

I attempted to replace it with attributes = %w{user.email date_start date_finish location event_name description acct_num sub reason impact uuid topic} however I just get this error:

undefined method `user.email' for # Did you mean? user_id

I can do user_id however. But this is no help to the person who is glossing over this CSV as they do not know who the user associated with that ID is. How can I get the Users email to display in the CSV row rather than the id or the object itself?

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def self.as_csv 
  attrs = %w{user.email date_start date_finish location event_name description acct_num sub reason impact uuid topic}

  CSV.generate(write_headers: true, headers: attrs) do |csv|
    method_chains = attrs.map { |a| a.split('.') }

    find_each do |user|
      csv << method_chains.map do |chain| 
        chain.reduce(user) { |obj, method_name| obj = obj.try(method_name.to_sym) }


  • 我不是通过csv << attributes显式编写标题,而是通过选项将CSV.generate设置为标题
  • 我不是all.each而是通过find_each批量提取记录-如果表很大,它会产生很大的不同