
时间:2019-04-13 02:31:00

标签: typescript typescript-typings


type TypeA = {
  foo: string

type TypeB = {
  bar: string
enum Schemas {
  TypeA = "TypeA",
  TypeB = "TypeB",

type Result<T> = {
  error: string,
  value: null
} | {
  error: null,
  value: T

function checkType(schema: Schemas.TypeA, value: any): Result<TypeA>
function checkType(schema: Schemas.TypeB, value: any): Result<TypeB>
function checkType(schema: Schemas, value: any): Result<any>  {
  // Some check

您可以使用特定输入为函数创建重载。但是,是否可以使用泛型在其他函数中重用关系Schemas.TypeA -> TypeASchemas.TypeB -> TypeB

function checkType2<T extends Schemas>(schema: T, value: any): Result<any>  {
  // How to write the return type to achieve same result with overloading?
  // With Some kind of keyof from a mapping object?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


type RetType<T extends Schemas> = T extends Schemas.TypeA ? ResultForA : ResultForB<TypeB>;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


type TypeA = {
    foo: string

type TypeB = {
    bar: string
interface Schemas {
    TypeA: TypeA,
    TypeB: TypeB,

type Result<T> = {
    error: string,
    value: null
} | {
    error: null,
    value: T

function checkType<K extends keyof Schemas>(schema: K, value: any): Result<Schemas[K]> {
    return null!;


checkType("TypeA", null)