仅出于我自己对数学方面的理解,我不想使用现有的库/包(例如Keras,PyTorch,Scikit-learn ..etc),而只是想使用简单的python创建神经网络。码。该模型在方法(simple_1_layer_classification_NN
1-当我通过一些训练数据集来训练网络时,我发现最终的平均准确度会随着不同数量的时期而完全不同,对于某种最佳数量的时期绝对没有明确的规律。我将其他参数保持不变:learning rate = 0.5
,activation = sigmoid
),cost function = squared error
Epoch = 100,000。 平均准确度:50.10541638874056
时期= 500,000。 平均准确度:50.08965597645948
Epoch = 1,000,000。 平均准确度:97.56879179064482
时期= 7,500,000。 平均准确度:49.994692515332524
史诗750,000。 平均准确度:77.0028368954157
Epoch = 100。 平均准确度:48.96967591507596
Epoch = 500。 平均准确度:48.20721972881673
时期= 10,000。 平均准确度:71.58066454336122
时期= 50,000。 平均准确度:62.52998222597177
Epoch = 100,000。 平均准确度:49.813675726563424
Epoch = 1,000,000。 平均准确度:49.993141329926374
如您所见,似乎没有明确的模式。我尝试了100万个时代,并获得了97.6%的准确性。然后,我尝试了750万个时代,准确率达到了50%。五百万个纪元也获得了50%的准确性。 100个纪元导致49%的准确性。然后是真正奇怪的一个,再次尝试了100万个时代,并获得了50%。
2- simple_1_layer_classification_NN
(特征矩阵)参数传递给方法,我就可以访问矩阵的随机索引以访问来自矩阵(input_observation_vector = dataset_input_matrix[ri]
。 cost
if i % 50 == 0:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
# import os
class NN_classification:
def __init__(self):
self.bias = float()
self.weights = []
self.chosen_activation_func = None
self.chosen_cost_func = None
self.train_average_accuracy = int()
self.test_average_accuracy = int()
# -- Activation functions --:
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
def relu(x):
return np.maximum(0.0, x)
# -- Derivative of activation functions --:
def sigmoid_derivation(x):
return NN_classification.sigmoid(x) * (1-NN_classification.sigmoid(x))
def relu_derivation(x):
if x <= 0:
return 0
return 1
# -- Squared-error cost function --:
def squared_error(pred, target):
return np.square(pred - target)
# -- Derivative of squared-error cost function --:
def squared_error_derivation(pred, target):
return 2 * (pred - target)
# --- neural network structure diagram ---
# O output prediction
# / \ w1, w2, b
# O O datapoint 1, datapoint 2
def simple_1_layer_classification_NN(self, dataset_input_matrix, output_data_labels, input_dimension, epochs, activation_func='sigmoid', learning_rate=0.2, cost_func='squared_error'):
weights = []
bias = int()
cost = float()
costs = []
dCost_dWeights = []
chosen_activation_func_derivation = None
chosen_cost_func = None
chosen_cost_func_derivation = None
correct_pred = int()
incorrect_pred = int()
# store the chosen activation function to use to it later on in the activation calculation section and in the 'predict' method
# Also the same goes for the derivation section.
if activation_func == 'sigmoid':
self.chosen_activation_func = NN_classification.sigmoid
chosen_activation_func_derivation = NN_classification.sigmoid_derivation
elif activation_func == 'relu':
self.chosen_activation_func = NN_classification.relu
chosen_activation_func_derivation = NN_classification.relu_derivation
print("Exception error - no activation function utilised, in training method", file=sys.stderr)
# store the chosen cost function to use to it later on in the cost calculation section.
# Also the same goes for the cost derivation section.
if cost_func == 'squared_error':
chosen_cost_func = NN_classification.squared_error
chosen_cost_func_derivation = NN_classification.squared_error_derivation
print("Exception error - no cost function utilised, in training method", file=sys.stderr)
# Set initial network parameters (weights & bias):
# Will initialise the weights to a uniform distribution and ensure the numbers are small close to 0.
# We need to loop through all the weights to set them to a random value initially.
for i in range(input_dimension):
# create random numbers for our initial weights (connections) to begin with. 'rand' method creates small random numbers.
w = np.random.rand()
# create a random number for our initial bias to begin with.
bias = np.random.rand()
# We perform the training based on the number of epochs specified
for i in range(epochs):
# create random index
ri = np.random.randint(len(dataset_input_matrix))
# Pick random observation vector: pick a random observation vector of independent variables (x) from the dataset matrix
input_observation_vector = dataset_input_matrix[ri]
# reset weighted sum value at the beginning of every epoch to avoid incrementing the previous observations weighted-sums on top.
weighted_sum = 0
# Loop through all the independent variables (x) in the observation
for i in range(len(input_observation_vector)):
# Weighted_sum: we take each independent variable in the entire observation, add weight to it then add it to the subtotal of weighted sum
weighted_sum += input_observation_vector[i] * weights[i]
# Add Bias: add bias to weighted sum
weighted_sum += bias
# Activation: process weighted_sum through activation function
activation_func_output = self.chosen_activation_func(weighted_sum)
# Prediction: Because this is a single layer neural network, so the activation output will be the same as the prediction
pred = activation_func_output
# Cost: the cost function to calculate the prediction error margin
cost = chosen_cost_func(pred, output_data_labels[ri])
# Also calculate the derivative of the cost function with respect to prediction
dCost_dPred = chosen_cost_func_derivation(pred, output_data_labels[ri])
# Derivative: bringing derivative from prediction output with respect to the activation function used for the weighted sum.
dPred_dWeightSum = chosen_activation_func_derivation(weighted_sum)
# Bias is just a number on its own added to the weighted sum, so its derivative is just 1
dWeightSum_dB = 1
# The derivative of the Weighted Sum with respect to each weight is the input data point / independant variable it's multiplied by.
# Therefore I simply assigned the input data array to another variable I called 'dWeightedSum_dWeights'
# to represent the array of the derivative of all the weights involved. I could've used the 'input_sample'
# array variable itself, but for the sake of readibility, I created a separate variable to represent the derivative of each of the weights.
dWeightedSum_dWeights = input_observation_vector
# Derivative chaining rule: chaining all the derivative functions together (chaining rule)
# Loop through all the weights to workout the derivative of the cost with respect to each weight:
for dWeightedSum_dWeight in dWeightedSum_dWeights:
dCost_dWeight = dCost_dPred * dPred_dWeightSum * dWeightedSum_dWeight
dCost_dB = dCost_dPred * dPred_dWeightSum * dWeightSum_dB
# Backpropagation: update the weights and bias according to the derivatives calculated above.
# In other word we update the parameters of the neural network to correct parameters and therefore
# optimise the neural network prediction to be as accurate to the real output as possible
# We loop through each weight and update it with its derivative with respect to the cost error function value.
for i in range(len(weights)):
weights[i] = weights[i] - learning_rate * dCost_dWeights[i]
bias = bias - learning_rate * dCost_dB
# for each 50th loop we're going to get a summary of the
# prediction compared to the actual ouput
# to see if the prediction is as expected.
# Anything in prediction above 0.5 should match value
# 1 of the actual ouptut. Any prediction below 0.5 should
# match value of 0 for actual output
if i % 50 == 0:
# Compare prediction to target
error_margin = np.sqrt(np.square(pred - output_data_labels[ri]))
accuracy = (1 - error_margin) * 100
self.train_average_accuracy += accuracy
# Evaluate whether guessed correctly or not based on classification binary problem 0 or 1 outcome. So if prediction is above 0.5 it guessed 1 and below 0.5 it guessed incorrectly. If it's dead on 0.5 it is incorrect for either guesses. Because it's no exactly a good guess for either 0 or 1. We need to set a good standard for the neural net model.
if (error_margin < 0.5) and (error_margin >= 0):
correct_pred += 1
elif (error_margin >= 0.5) and (error_margin <= 1):
incorrect_pred += 1
print("Exception error - 'margin error' for 'predict' method is out of range. Must be between 0 and 1, in training method", file=sys.stderr)
# store the final optimised weights to the weights instance variable so it can be used in the predict method.
self.weights = weights
# store the final optimised bias to the weights instance variable so it can be used in the predict method.
self.bias = bias
# Calculate average accuracy from the predictions of all obervations in the training dataset
self.train_average_accuracy /= epochs
# Print out results
print('Average Accuracy: {}'.format(self.train_average_accuracy))
print('Correct predictions: {}, Incorrect Predictions: {}'.format(correct_pred, incorrect_pred))
print('costs = {}'.format(costs))
y_costs = np.array(costs)
from numpy import array
#define array of dataset
# each observation vector has 3 datapoints or 3 columns: length, width, and outcome label (0, 1 to represent blue flower and red flower respectively).
data = array([[3, 1.5, 1],
[2, 1, 0],
[4, 1.5, 1],
[3, 1, 0],
[3.5, 0.5, 1],
[2, 0.5, 0],
[5.5, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 0]])
# separate data: split input, output, train and test data.
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = data[:6, :-1], data[:6, -1], data[6:, :-1], data[6:, -1]
nn_model = NN_classification()
nn_model.simple_1_layer_classification_NN(X_train, y_train, 2, 1000000, learning_rate=0.5)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
之所以没有附加费用,是因为您在嵌套的for循环中使用了相同的变量“ i”。
# We perform the training based on the number of epochs specified
for i in range(epochs):
# create random index
ri = np.random.randint(len(dataset_input_matrix))
# Pick random observation vector: pick a random observation vector of independent variables (x) from the dataset matrix
input_observation_vector = dataset_input_matrix[ri]
# reset weighted sum value at the beginning of every epoch to avoid incrementing the previous observations weighted-sums on top.
weighted_sum = 0
# Loop through all the independent variables (x) in the observation
for i in range(len(input_observation_vector)):
# Weighted_sum: we take each independent variable in the entire observation, add weight to it then add it to the subtotal of weighted sum
weighted_sum += input_observation_vector[i] * weights[i]
# Add Bias: add bias to weighted sum
weighted_sum += bias
# Activation: process weighted_sum through activation function
activation_func_output = self.chosen_activation_func(weighted_sum)
# Prediction: Because this is a single layer neural network, so the activation output will be the same as the prediction
pred = activation_func_output
# Cost: the cost function to calculate the prediction error margin
cost = chosen_cost_func(pred, output_data_labels[ri])
# Also calculate the derivative of the cost function with respect to prediction
dCost_dPred = chosen_cost_func_derivation(pred, output_data_labels[ri])
# Derivative: bringing derivative from prediction output with respect to the activation function used for the weighted sum.
dPred_dWeightSum = chosen_activation_func_derivation(weighted_sum)
# Bias is just a number on its own added to the weighted sum, so its derivative is just 1
dWeightSum_dB = 1
# The derivative of the Weighted Sum with respect to each weight is the input data point / independant variable it's multiplied by.
# Therefore I simply assigned the input data array to another variable I called 'dWeightedSum_dWeights'
# to represent the array of the derivative of all the weights involved. I could've used the 'input_sample'
# array variable itself, but for the sake of readibility, I created a separate variable to represent the derivative of each of the weights.
dWeightedSum_dWeights = input_observation_vector
# Derivative chaining rule: chaining all the derivative functions together (chaining rule)
# Loop through all the weights to workout the derivative of the cost with respect to each weight:
for dWeightedSum_dWeight in dWeightedSum_dWeights:
dCost_dWeight = dCost_dPred * dPred_dWeightSum * dWeightedSum_dWeight
dCost_dB = dCost_dPred * dPred_dWeightSum * dWeightSum_dB
# Backpropagation: update the weights and bias according to the derivatives calculated above.
# In other word we update the parameters of the neural network to correct parameters and therefore
# optimise the neural network prediction to be as accurate to the real output as possible
# We loop through each weight and update it with its derivative with respect to the cost error function value.
for i in range(len(weights)):
weights[i] = weights[i] - learning_rate * dCost_dWeights[i]
bias = bias - learning_rate * dCost_dB
# for each 50th loop we're going to get a summary of the
# prediction compared to the actual ouput
# to see if the prediction is as expected.
# Anything in prediction above 0.5 should match value
# 1 of the actual ouptut. Any prediction below 0.5 should
# match value of 0 for actual output
这导致在到达if语句时,“ i”始终为1
if i % 50 == 0:
# Compare prediction to target
error_margin = np.sqrt(np.square(pred - output_data_labels[ri]))
accuracy = (1 - error_margin) * 100
self.train_average_accuracy += accuracy
因此,我尝试使用0到1之间的随机学习率对模型进行1000次训练,并且初始学习率似乎没有任何区别。其中有0.3%的精度达到0.60以上,没有一个达到70%以上。 然后我以自适应学习率运行了相同的测试:
# Modify the learning rate based on the cost
# Placed just before the bias is calculated
learning_rate = 0.999 * learning_rate + 0.1 * cost