
时间:2019-04-06 19:32:59

标签: suitecrm


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HTTP 500错误

这很奇怪... Microsoft Edge找不到此页面

class nc_email_notification {
public function email_notification(&$bean, $events, $arguments){

    /*define 'review_pending' as  string constant */

    /*Get sugar email engine*/
    $email = new SugarPHPMailer();
    $email->From = 'suitecrm@gmail.com';
    $email->FromName ='SuiteCRM';

    /*Get the Department NC was Issued to */
    $dept_array= $bean->get_linked_beans('dept_department_nccas_nc_case','dept_Department_sugar');

        /*log error*/
        $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not find the department NC was issued to: ". $bean->name);
        /* Get email of users within the Department NC is issued to */              
        $user_array = $dept_array[0]->get_linked_beans('dept_department_users','User');
            /*log error*/
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not find Users within the department NC is issued to: ". $bean->name);

        /*Get the Department NC was raised by */
        $raised_dept_array= $bean->get_linked_beans('dept_department_nccas_nc_case_1','dept_Department_sugar'); 
            /*log error*/
            $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not find the department NC was raised by: ". $bean->name);
        }else {
            /*Get email of users within the Department NC is raised by*/
            $raised_user_array = $raised_dept_array[0]->get_linked_beans('dept_department_users','User');
                /*log error*/
                $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not find Users within the department NC is raised by: ". $bean->name);
            else {
                $r_user_address = getDepartmentUsersEmail($raised_user_array);              

        /*Get the Quality Systems Department*/
        //$qual_dept=$dept_array[0]->retrieve)by)string_fields(array('name' => 'Quality Systems' ));

        /* Send email to Manager */
        $rev_email = 'ramon@gmail.com';

        /*Get NC Action for the NC Case*/
        $action_array = $bean->get_linked_beans('nccas_nc_case_ncact_nc_action','ncact_NC_Action_sugar');

        /* Get sugar template engine */
        $xtpl = new XTemplate("XTemplate/NCEmailTemplate.html");

        /*GEt the URL for the NC Case */
        $url =  $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url'].'index.php?module=ncase_NonConformance&action=DetailView&record='.$bean->id; 
        $xtpl -> assign('URL', $url);

        /* Get NC Status */

        /* Get NC ID */
        $id = $bean->getFieldValue('id');


            $email=createNCEmail($email,$rev_email,'New NC Email Notification',$bean,$xtpl);                

            /* Send email to Quality System Manager */

            /* Send email to users of Issued to department  */
            foreach($address as $uemail){                       

            }else {
                if (strcasecmp ($nc_status,'review_pending')==0){
                    /* Set Email Subject */
                    $email->Subject = 'NC Case: '. ''. $bean->name . ' '. ' is pending review';

                    /* Send email to users of Raised by department  */
                    foreach($r_user_address as $uemail){                        
                    /* Send email to Quality System Manager */

                    /* Create email message using email template */

                } else if (strcasecmp ($nc_status,'Closed')==0){
                        /* Set Email Subject */
                        $email->Subject = 'NC Case: '. ''. $bean->name . ''. ' is Closed';

                        /* Send email to users of Raised by department  */
                        foreach($r_user_address as $uemail){                        
                        /* Send email to Issued to Department */
                        foreach($address as $iemail){                       

                        /* Create email message using email template*/

                } else{

                        If ($bean->fetched_row['description'] != $bean->description){
                        /* Set Email Subject */
                        $email->Subject = 'NC Case: ' .''. $bean->name .''. ' has been modified';

                        /* Create email message using email template */

                        /* Build appropriate email list */
                        foreach($address as $uemail){                       
                        /* Send email to Quality System Manager */




$hook_version = 1; 
$hook_array = Array(); 
$hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(1, 'Create NC email object', 'custom/Extension/modules/ncase_NonConformance/Ext/email_notification.php','nc_email_notification', 'email_notification'); 

0 个答案:
