我试图将KeyedStream与Tuple一起使用,以处理不同类型的Tuple,包括Tuple6。 不断收到异常: 线程“主”中的异常 org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.InvalidTypesException:不允许将Tuple类用作一种类型。 。
使用具体的子类(例如Tuple1,Tuple2等)。在这里可以消除Type Erasure吗?
KeyedStream<Monitoring, Tuple> monitoringTupleKeyedStream = null;
String keyOperationType = ....;//provided
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(keyOperationType)) {
if (keyOperationType.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.COMPONENT_OPERATION)) {
monitoringTupleKeyedStream = kinesisStream.keyBy("deployment", "gameId", "eventName", "component");
} else if (keyOperationType.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.COMPONENT_INSTANCE_OPERATION)) {
monitoringTupleKeyedStream = kinesisStream.keyBy("deployment", "gameId", "eventName", "component", "instance");
} else if (keyOperationType.equalsIgnoreCase(Utils.COMPONENT_KEY_OPERATION)) {
TypeInformation<Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String>> info = TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String>>(){});
monitoringTupleKeyedStream = kinesisStream.keyBy(new KeySelector<Monitoring, Tuple>() {
public Tuple getKey(Monitoring mon) throws Exception {
String key = "";
String keyName = "";
final String eventName = mon.getEventName();
if (eventName != null && ((eventName.equalsIgnoreCase(INGRESS_FPS)))
)) {
keyName = PCAM_ID;
key = mon.getEventDataMap() != null ? (String) mon.getEventDataMap().get(PCAM_ID) : "";
} else if (eventName != null && (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase(EGRESS_FPS))) {
keyName = OUT_BITRATE;
key = mon.getEventDataMap() != null ? (String) mon.getEventDataMap().get(OUT_BITRATE) : ""; //TODO: identify key to use
return new Tuple6<>(mon.getDeployment(), mon.getGameId(), eventName, mon.getComponent(), mon.getKeyName(), mon.getKeyValue());
}); //, info)
} else if (keyOperationType.equalsIgnoreCase(COMPONENT_CONTAINER_OPERATION)) {
monitoringTupleKeyedStream = kinesisStream.keyBy("deployment", "gameId", "eventName", "component", "instance", "container"); //<== this is also a Tuple6 but no complaints ?
下面的示例需要把monitorTupleKeyedStream设置为[Monitoring,Tuple6 [String,String,String,String,String,String]]类型的KeyedStream
TypeInformation<Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String>> info = TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String>>(){});
monitoringTupleKeyedStream = kinesisStream.keyBy(new KeySelector<Monitoring, Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String>>() {
public Tuple6<String, String, String, String, String, String> getKey(Monitoring mon) throws Exception {
String key = "";
String keyName = "";
//TODO: extract to a method to pull key to use from a config file
final String eventName = mon.getEventName();
if (eventName != null && ((eventName.equalsIgnoreCase(INGRESS_FPS)))
)) {
keyName = PCAM_ID;
key = mon.getEventDataMap() != null ? (String) mon.getEventDataMap().get(PCAM_ID) : "";
} else if (eventName != null && (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase(EGRESS_FPS))) {
keyName = OUT_BITRATE;
key = mon.getEventDataMap() != null ? (String) mon.getEventDataMap().get(OUT_BITRATE) : ""; //TODO: identify key to use
return new Tuple6<>(mon.getDeployment(), mon.getGameId(), eventName, mon.getComponent(), mon.getKeyName(), mon.getKeyValue());
}, info);