//move them apart so they don't intersect anymore
float distance = (float) Math.sqrt(((circleA.getCenterX() - circleB.getCenterX()) * (circleA.getCenterX() - circleB.getCenterX())) + ((circleA.getCenterY() - circleB.getCenterY()) * (circleA.getCenterY() - circleB.getCenterY())));
float separation = (circleA.getRadius() + circleB.getRadius()) - distance;
float xSepA = separation * (circleA.getCenterX() - circleB.getCenterX()) / distance / 2; //distance to move circleA in x dir
float ySepA = separation * (circleA.getCenterY() - circleB.getCenterY()) / distance / 2; //distance to move A in y dir
float xSepB = separation * (circleB.getCenterX() - circleA.getCenterX()) / distance / 2; //same for B
float ySepB = separation * (circleB.getCenterY() - circleA.getCenterY()) / distance / 2;
if (circleA.isStatic()) {
xSepA = 0;
ySepA = 0;
xSepB = separation * (circleB.getCenterX() - circleA.getCenterX()) / distance; //same for B
ySepB = separation * (circleB.getCenterY() - circleA.getCenterY()) / distance;
if (circleB.isStatic()) {
xSepA = separation * (circleA.getCenterX() - circleB.getCenterX()) / distance;
ySepA = separation * (circleA.getCenterY() - circleB.getCenterY()) / distance;
xSepB = 0;
ySepB = 0;
//moving them
circleA.setX(circleA.getX() + xSepA);
circleA.setY(circleA.getY() + ySepA);
circleB.setX(circleB.getX() + xSepB);
circleB.setY(circleB.getY() + ySepB);
//change velocity to bounce
Vector2f va = circleA.getVelocityVector();
Vector2f vb = circleB.getVelocityVector();
Vector2f vn = MathUtil.sub(circleA.getPositionVector(), circleB.getPositionVector());
float aa = va.dot(vn);
float ab = vb.dot(vn);
float optimizedPA = (2f * (aa - ab)) / (circleA.getMass() + circleB.getMass());
float optimizedPB = (2f * (ab - aa)) / (circleA.getMass() + circleB.getMass());
Vector2f newVA = MathUtil.sub(va, MathUtil.scale(vn, optimizedPA * circleB.getMass()));
Vector2f newVB = MathUtil.sub(vb, MathUtil.scale(vn, optimizedPB * circleA.getMass()));
// if (circleA.isStatic()) {
// optimizedPB = (2f * (ab - aa)) / (circleB.getMass());
// newVA = va;
// newVB = MathUtil.sub(vb, MathUtil.scale(vn, optimizedPB));
// System.out.println(vb + " " + newVB);
// } else if (circleB.isStatic()) {
// optimizedPA = (2f * (aa - ab)) / (circleA.getMass() + circleB.getMass());
// newVA = MathUtil.sub(va, MathUtil.scale(vn, optimizedPA));
// newVB = vb;
// System.out.println(va + " " + newVA);
// }