
时间:2019-03-31 18:23:26

标签: python-3.x pygame

我正在写一个“简单”游戏,我想不出如何解决这个问题,因为红色障碍物不能独自从屏幕的上部到下部。 我同时包含了该功能(该功能仅使障碍物越过窗口)和我正在使用的实际部件(该功能使豆类同时改变方向)


lista_ost = [[some value for the x, some value for the y],[some value for the x, some value for the y]] 
def mov_ost(vel_ost,altezza,ost_grandezza,lista_ost):
    for i in lista_ost:
         i[1] += vel_ost
         if i[1] >= (altezza - ost_grandezza):
             vel_ost = -10

         elif i[1] <= 0:
             vel_ost = 10

while not game_over:

    numero_nemici(lista_ost, spazio_corsie, n_corsie)
    for ost_pos in lista_ost:
        ost_pos[1] += vel_ost
        if ost_pos[1] >= ((altezza - ost_grandezza)):
            vel_ost = -10


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

不幸的是,我的意大利语是有限的,但是我对问题代码的理解是,对象应具有移动路径lista_ost,该路径包含一堆控制屏幕上对​​象运动的坐标。 (我希望这是正确的!)

正如@Eric在评论中所说,一种处理屏幕上对象的简单方法是使用PyGame sprite,如果有多个对象,则使用sprite group

因此,在下面的示例代码中,该代码创建了一组EnemySprite对象。它们由屏幕上的图像和move_path组成。 move_path是调整精灵坐标的列表。每次调用精灵EnemySprite.update()函数时, next 坐标更新都会应用到sprite.rect的当前位置(最终是精灵在屏幕上显示的{{ 1}})。坐标列表全部使用完后,它将再次从第一个元素开始。




任何小的PNG图片都可以代替import pygame import random # Window size WINDOW_WIDTH = 400 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 400 SPACE_BLUE = ( 23, 55, 84) # Global millisecond count since start NOW_MS = 0 class EnemySprite( pygame.sprite.Sprite ): def __init__( self, image, move_path = [ (1, 1) ] ): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__( self ) self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.path = move_path self.path_index = 0 # Start position is randomly across the screen, and a little off the top self.rect.center = ( random.randrange( 0, WINDOW_WIDTH ), random.randrange( 0, WINDOW_HEIGHT ) ) def wrapAroundScreen(self): """ Ensure the sprite's position remains on-screen, wrapping around if necessary """ if (self.rect.left >= WINDOW_WIDTH ): self.rect.right = 0 elif (self.rect.right <= 0 ): self.rect.left = WINDOW_WIDTH if (self.rect.top >= WINDOW_HEIGHT ): self.rect.bottom = 0 elif (self.rect.bottom <= 0): self.rect.top = WINDOW_HEIGHT def update(self): """ Move the sprite, by adjusting the poistion by the next pair of offsets in the movement path """ x,y = self.rect.center # Where is the drop, right now ### Get the next movement offsets. offset = self.path[ self.path_index ] self.path_index += 1 ### If we have run out of path offsets, start again if ( self.path_index >= len( self.path ) ): self.path_index = 0 self.rect.center = ( x + offset[0], y + offset[1] ) self.wrapAroundScreen() ### MAIN pygame.init() SURFACE = pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.DOUBLEBUF|pygame.RESIZABLE WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode( ( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ), SURFACE ) pygame.display.set_caption( "Path Following" ) # Add some enemy sprites LOOPY_PATH = [ (18,0), (15,0), (12,0), (13,0), (13,0), (12,-3), (14,-2), (11,-4), (7,-2), (8,-3), (9,-3), (9,-5), (9,-3), (9,-6), (9,-5), (10,-8), (9,-5), (9,-4), (8,-5), (4,-3), (5,-4), (2,-3), (1,-3), (0,-6), (2,-7), (1,-5), (1,-4), (0,-5), (0,-3), (-1,-4), (-2,-4), (-3,-4), (-5,-5), (-4,-4), (-4,-2), (-7,-3), (-7,-1), (-9,-1), (-11,0), (-9,0), (-8,0), (-5,1), (-5,3), (-5,3), (-5,4), (-4,4), (-5,4), (-3,7), (-1,6), (0,6), (0,6), (1,6), (3,5), (3,6), (4,7), (4,7), (7,8), (5,9), (7,6), (11,6), (14,7), (15,5), (16,4), (17,4), (18,2), (20,3), (18,2), (20,1), (20,0), (19,0), (23,0), (22,0), (12,0) ] ENEMY_IMAGE = pygame.image.load( 'tiny_alien.png' ) SPRITES = pygame.sprite.Group() for i in range(10): SPRITES.add( EnemySprite( ENEMY_IMAGE, LOOPY_PATH ) ) mouse_path = [] clock = pygame.time.Clock() done = False while not done: NOW_MS = pygame.time.get_ticks() # re-position all the drops SPRITES.update() # Handle user-input for event in pygame.event.get(): if ( event.type == pygame.QUIT ): done = True elif ( event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE ): WINDOW_WIDTH = event.w WINDOW_HEIGHT = event.h WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode( ( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ), SURFACE ) # Record mouse movements for new paths new_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if ( new_pos != (0,0) ): mouse_path.append( new_pos ) # Movement keys keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if ( keys[pygame.K_UP] ): print("up") elif ( keys[pygame.K_DOWN] ): print("down") elif ( keys[pygame.K_LEFT] ): print("left") elif ( keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] ): print("right") elif ( keys[pygame.K_q] and ( keys[pygame.K_RCTRL] or keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] ) ): print("^Q") done = True # Update the window, but not more than 60fps WINDOW.fill( SPACE_BLUE ) SPRITES.draw( WINDOW ) pygame.display.flip() # Limit FPS clock.tick_busy_loop(60) ### Print the relative co-orinates of the mouse moving through the window ### just in case the user was recording a path to use on the sprites print( "Mouse Movement Path: ") print( "[", end='' ) for i in range(1, len(mouse_path)): print("(%d,%d), " %( mouse_path[i][0] - mouse_path[i-1][0], mouse_path[i][1] - mouse_path[i-1][1]), end='') print( " ]" ) pygame.quit()

animated jif of pygame window