
时间:2011-04-04 18:56:01

标签: android algorithm image-processing image-manipulation distortion

我正在尝试实现一个使用shpere失真滤波器的应用程序。我正在使用here中的算法,该算法通过getPixel()和setpixel()方法更改像素位置。我的问题是它对Android设备来说太慢了,并且有些应用程序实现相同的球体(和其他)过滤方式比我的方法更快。 (例如Picsay Pro应用程序)任何人都可以共享或指示查找或实现快速失真算法。


public boolean sphereFilter(Bitmap b, boolean bSmoothing)
    int nWidth = b.getWidth();
    int nHeight = b.getHeight();

    Point  [][] pt = new Point[nWidth][nHeight];
    Point mid = new Point();
    mid.x = nWidth/2;
    mid.y = nHeight/2;

    double theta, radius;
    double newX, newY;

    for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
        for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y)
            pt[x][y]= new Point();

    for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
        for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y)
            int trueX = x - mid.x;
            int trueY = y - mid.y;
            theta = Math.atan2((trueY),(trueX));

            radius = Math.sqrt(trueX*trueX + trueY*trueY);

            double newRadius = radius * radius/(Math.max(mid.x, mid.y));

            newX = mid.x + (newRadius * Math.cos(theta));

            if (newX > 0 && newX < nWidth)
                pt[x][y].x = (int) newX;
                pt[x][y].x = 0;
                pt[x][y].y = 0;

            newY = mid.y + (newRadius * Math.sin(theta));

            if (newY > 0 && newY < nHeight && newX > 0 && newX < nWidth)
                pt[x][ y].y = (int) newY;
                pt[x][y].x = pt[x][y].y = 0;
    offsetFilterAbs(b, pt);
    return true;


public boolean offsetFilterAbs(Bitmap b, Point[][] offset )
        int nWidth = b.getWidth();
        int nHeight = b.getHeight();

        int xOffset, yOffset;

        for(int y=0;y < nHeight;++y)
            for(int x=0; x < nWidth; ++x )
                xOffset = offset[x][y].x;
                yOffset = offset[x][y].y;

                if (yOffset >= 0 && yOffset < nHeight && xOffset >= 0 && xOffset < nWidth)
                    b.setPixel(x, y, b.getPixel(xOffset, yOffset));

    return true;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



来自我的link in the comments above

r = Sqrt((x - 0.5)^2 + (y - 0.5)^2)
a = ArcTan2(y - 0.5, x - 0.5)
n = Bulge factor (default = 1)

x' = r^n * Cos(a) + 0.5 
y' = r^n * Sin(a) + 0.5 


使用a bit of math,我们可以看到

Cos(a) = Cos(ArcTan2(y - 0.5, x - 0.5))
       = (x - 0.5)/r
Sin(a) = Sin(ArcTan2(y - 0.5, x - 0.5))
       = (y - 0.5)/r


r = (x - 0.5)^2 + (y - 0.5)^2
n = Bulge factor (default = 0)

x' = r^n * (x - 0.5) + 0.5
y' = r^n * (y - 0.5) + 0.5

