
时间:2019-03-26 15:19:36

标签: powershell office365 exchange-server

从Exchange / AD导出组数据时,剩下的域名全是CN =,OU =,OU =等。我可以在脚本中进行一些更改,以使其仅导出名称,而不必进入excel并搜索和替换不需要的内容吗?

#Written by Tekwhat 10-26-17
write-host "Group Memberships"
#Settings for file ouput
$fLocation = "D:\Exchange Reports\O365 Reports\"

import-module activedirectory

#Get OU
$OU = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the OU name to search: (0202 - Dev Bank)"

#create File to write report to:
$fName = $fLocation+$OU+" Group Memberships.csv"
$test = test-path $fName
    if ($test -eq $True)
            write-host "Removing Old File..." -ForeGroundColor Red
            Remove-Item $fName
            #New-Item $fName -type file
Write-host "Creating New File..." -ForeGroundColor darkgreen
New-Item $fName -type file

$SearchBase = "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=Domain,DC=local"
$ADGroups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase | % { [ADSI]("LDAP://$_") }
$Members = @()
foreach ($ADGroup in $ADGroups){
              $Members += $ADGroup.Member |
                           Select -Property @{Name="ADGroup";Expression={$ADGroup.cn}},

$Members | Select-Object AdGroup, Member | Export-Csv -Path $fname -NoType
write-host "Your file is located at " $fname -ForegroundColor DarkGreen



“所有员工”,“ CN =测试X用户,OU = OU名称,OU =托管Exchange   客户,DC =域,DC =本地”

我必须进入excel并搜索替换“ CN =”和“ OU = OUname,OU = Hosted Exchange 客户,DC =域,DC =本地”以获取可用数据。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$SearchBase = "OU=$OU,OU=Hosted Exchange Customers,DC=Domain,DC=local"
$ADGroups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Member,CN

$Members = @()
foreach ($ADGroup in $ADGroups){
    $Members += $ADGroup.Member |
        Select -Property @{Name="ADGroup";Expression={$ADGroup.cn}},
        @{Name="Member";Expression={($_ | Select-String -pattern "(?<=CN=).*?(?=,OU=|,DC=)").matches.value}}



($_ | Select-String -pattern "(?<=CN=).*?(?=,OU=|,DC=)").matches.value

  • $_引用$ADGroup.Member中的当前管道对象
  • 在这种情况下,
  • Select-String基于正则表达式匹配从管道输入中选择一个字符串。正则表达式文本将传递到-pattern参数。
  • "(?<=CN=).*?(?=,OU=|,DC=)"是正则表达式(正则表达式)。
    • (?<=CN=)(?<=)是一种积极的后向机制,它在比赛中当前位置后面寻找字符串CN=
    • .*?匹配尽可能少的字符(.),除了换行符
    • (?=,OU=|,DC=)使用正向超前机制((?=))查找字符串,OU=或(|)字符串,DC=
  • .MatchesMatches输出的Select-String属性。它包含其他用于指定正则表达式捕获组或从多个匹配项中选择的属性。 value是此类属性之一,其中包含实际的字符串匹配项。
  • 先行和后行机制不捕获任何匹配项。它们只是控制您在比赛序列中的位置。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


默认情况下,不需要仅将Write-Host(颜色对象除外)发送到屏幕(“ Write-Output”(写入输出)),因此您不必专门将其写出来,但这是一种样式选择。

"Create OU based Group Memberships Report"

$fLocation = 'C:\Temp'

# no need to do this as modules are auto imported since v3, but it does not hurt to have it here
# Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory

# Use a GUI to provide an OU list to select from.
$OUName = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter '*' | 
Select-Object -Property Name, DistinguishedName | 
Out-GridView -Title 'Select the OU name to search' -PassThru

# Set a file name to use. 'spaces in files names are just bad', so remove them
$fName = "$(($OUName).Name)_OU_ADGroup_Membership.csv" -replace ' '

# Remove any report of the same name
If(Test-Path -Path "$fLocation\$fName")
    Write-Warning -Message "A previous version of the report file is in the destination folder. Removing the file!"
    Remove-Item -Path "$fLocation\$fName" -Force

# Collect OU, AD group and user data and create a new CSV file
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $OUName.DistinguishedName | 
    Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $PSItem | 
        $ADGroup = $PSItem.Name
        Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup | 
        Select-Object @{Name = 'GroupName';Expression = {$ADGroup}}, 
        Name, SamAccountName | 
        Export-Csv -Path "$fLocation\$fName" -NoTypeInformation -Append

Write-Host "Your new report file is licated here: $fLocation\$fName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Import-Csv -Path "$fLocation\$fName"


WARNING: A previous version of the report file is in the destination folder. Removing the file!
Your new report file is licated here: C:\Temp\LabUsers_OU_ADGroup_Membership.csv

GroupName                   Name                  SamAccountName
---------                   ----                  --------------
TestUsers                   Test User001          testuser001