non_reactive_df_list <- isolate({df_list()}) #throws error because the list isn't reactive, just the dataframes (df_list[[i]]) are reactive
non_reactive_df_list <- map(df_list, isolate) #doesn't work, and even it if did, there is no trigger/actionButton
df_list <- eventIsolateListElements(input$actionButton, {df_list}) # where df_list contains reactive elements
dfList2string <- function(dbList) {
string <- "**DataFrame String**"
for (i in seq_along(dbList)) {
string <- paste(string, names(dbList[i]), sep = '\n\n')
sub_string <- paste(names(dbList[[i]]), collapse = ', ')
string <- paste(string, sub_string, sep = '\n')
for (j in seq(1:nrow(dbList[[i]]))) {
sub_string <- paste(dbList[[i]][j,], collapse = ', ' )
string <- paste(string, sub_string, sep = '\n')
#make list of two non-reactive dataframes
dfList <- list()
dfList$df1 <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5, 1),
b = rnorm(5, 1))
dfList$df2 <- data.frame(a = rnorm(5, 3),
b = rnorm(5, 3))
ui <- fluidPage(
HTML('<h3>User Inputs</h3>'),
numericInput('dfmean1', 'select mean df1', value= 1), #user choose mean for df1
numericInput('dfmean2', 'select mean df2', value= 2), #user choose mean for df2
HTML('<h3>Reactive df1</h3>'),
tableOutput('reactive_table1'), #show reactive df1 table for clarity
HTML('<h3>Reactive df2</h3>'),
tableOutput('reactive_table2'), #show reactive df2 table for clarity
HTML('<h3>Button to trigger Isolation of reactive list of df1 and df2</h3>'),
actionButton('action', 'WriteToText'), #this button should trigger the conversion of reactive_dfList to text string
HTML('<h3>Example function output using normal list of non-reactive dfs </h3>'),
verbatimTextOutput('text_table') #this shows output of a function that converts non-reactive dfList to text string
server <- function(session, input, output) {
#make list of two reactive dataframes
reactive_dfList <- list() #initiate list to contain the two reactive dfs 1 and 2
reactive_dfList$df1 <- reactive({
data.frame(a = rnorm(5, input$dfmean1),
b = rnorm(5, input$dfmean1))
reactive_dfList$df2 <- reactive({
data.frame(a = rnorm(5, input$dfmean2),
b = rnorm(5, input$dfmean2))
#view the tables of reactive dataframs for clarity
output$reactive_table1 <- renderTable({ reactive_dfList$df1() })
output$reactive_table2 <- renderTable({ reactive_dfList$df2() })
#function that converts list of dfs to a text string
dfList2string <- function(dbList) {
string <- "**DataFrame String**"
for (i in seq_along(dbList)) {
string <- paste(string, names(dbList[i]), sep = '\n\n')
sub_string <- paste(names(dbList[[i]]), collapse = ', ')
string <- paste(string, sub_string, sep = '\n')
for (j in seq(1:nrow(dbList[[i]]))) {
sub_string <- paste(dbList[[i]][j,], collapse = ', ' )
string <- paste(string, sub_string, sep = '\n')
output$text_table <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui, server)