# import dependencies
import pandas as pd
# create winning team list
Winning_Team = ['buffalo','st-johns-ny','seton-hall','providence','indiana']
# create losing team list
Losing_Team = ['saint-francis-pa','loyola-md','wagner','siena','chicago-state']
# put winning team and losing team into columns in data_for_model
data_for_model = pd.DataFrame({'Winning_Team': Winning_Team,
'Losing_Team': Losing_Team})
# create team list
Team = ['buffalo','st-johns-ny','seton-hall','providence','indiana',
# create rank list (i.e., 1-10)
Rank = [10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1]
# put Team and Rank into columns in model_df
model_df = pd.DataFrame({'Team': Team,
'Rank': Rank})
for i in range(data_for_model.shape[0]):
# set up logic for model
winning_team = data_for_model['Winning_Team'].loc[i]
losing_team = data_for_model['Losing_Team'].loc[i]
# get index and rank for winning team in model_df
winning_team_index = model_df.loc[model_df['Team'] == winning_team, 'Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)].index[0]
winning_team_rank = model_df['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)].loc[winning_team_index]
# get index and rank for losing team in model_df
losing_team_index = model_df.loc[model_df['Team'] == losing_team, 'Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)].index[0]
losing_team_rank = model_df['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)].loc[losing_team_index]
# if the winning team has a worse ranking
if winning_team_rank > losing_team_rank:
# increase the ranking by 1 for all random_rank >= losing_team_rank
model_df['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)] = model_df.apply(lambda x: x['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)]+1 if x['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)] >= losing_team_rank else x['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)], axis=1)
# then make the winning_team_rank equal the rank of the losing team
model_df['Random_Rank_{}'.format(models)].loc[winning_team_index] = losing_team_rank