(deftemplate age
0 100
((children (2 1) (10 0))
(young (15 0) (20 1) (21 1) (30 0))
(adult (31 0) ( 40 1) (55 1))
(old (S 60 90))
(young_and_adult young and adult)
(adult_and_old adult and old)))
(defrule r1
(declare (salience (100))
(printout t "Extensive demyelination (yes/no)?" crlf)
(assert ( diagnosis Extensive_demyenation (read))))
(defrule r2
(declare (salience (100))
( diagnosis Extensive_demyenation no)
(printout t "Perivascular demyelinatioin (yes/no)?" crlf)
(assert (diagnosis Perivascular_demyelinatioin (read))))
(defrule r3
(declare (salience (100))
(diagnosis Perivascular_demyelinatioin yes)
(printout t "perivascfibrin (yes/no)?" crlf)
(assert (diagnosis perivascfibrin (read))))
(defrule r4
(declare (salience 100))
(diagnosis perivascfibrin no)
(printout t "Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Disease." crlf)
(printout t "children, young, adult, old, young_and_adult, adult_and_old ? ")
(bind ?m (read))
(assert-string (format nil "(age %s)" ?m)))
(defrule ShowResults
(declare (salience (-100))
?f <- (age ?l)
(plot-fuzzy-value t * nil nil ?f1))