
时间:2019-03-20 05:20:50

标签: r ggplot2 boxplot linegraph



  1. 为放电标签和SSL分别着色以分别对​​应于条形图和折线图,因此读者可以直观地知道哪个标签属于哪个标签。但是ggplot2不允许我这样做,因为它会使两个y轴的颜色都相同。

  2. 建立一个图例,清楚地表明红线属于SSL,蓝盒图属于排放。 here上有一篇类似的文章,但我似乎无法实现。如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激。


enter image description here



P_Discharge <- Pyay$Mean.monthly.discharge
P_MaxTemp <- Pyay$Mean.monthly.max.temperature
P_MinTemp <- Pyay$Mean.monthly.minimum.temperature
P_Rain <- Pyay$Max.monthly.rainfall
P_SSL <- Pyay$Mean.suspended.sediment.load

Pyay$Month <- factor(Pyay$Month, 
                     levels=c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", 
                              "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
Pgraph1 <- ggplot(Pyay, aes(x=Month, group=2))
Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + geom_bar(aes(y=P_Discharge), stat="identity", fill="blue")
Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + geom_line(aes(y=P_SSL), colour="red", size=1) +
  labs(y=expression(Q/(m^{3}))) +

Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis=sec_axis(~., name=expression(

Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), 



Pyay <- tibble::tribble(
              ~Month, ~Mean.monthly.discharge, ~Mean.monthly.max.temperature, ~Mean.suspended.sediment.load, ~Max.monthly.rainfall, ~Mean.monthly.minimum.temperature,
               "Jan",                   8.528,                          32.2,                         3.407,                   1.5,                              16.2,
               "Feb",                   6.316,                          35.1,                         2.319,                   0.9,                              17.8,
               "Mar",                       7,                          37.6,                         2.587,                   5.1,                              21.2,
               "Apr",                   8.635,                          38.7,                         3.573,                  27.3,                              24.7,
               "May",                  12.184,                            36,                         5.785,                 145.1,                              25.6,
               "Jun",                  30.414,                          31.9,                        21.811,                 234.8,                              24.8,
               "Jul",                  70.753,                            31,                        70.175,                   198,                              24.8,
               "Aug",                  79.255,                            31,                        81.873,                 227.5,                              24.7,
               "Sep",                  67.079,                          32.3,                        65.798,                 205.7,                              24.6,
               "Oct",                  53.677,                          33.5,                        47.404,                   124,                              24.2,
               "Nov",                  22.937,                          32.7,                        14.468,                    56,                              21.7,
               "Dec",                  12.409,                          31.5,                         5.842,                   1.5,                              18.1

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

如果将fillaes()参数放在scale_fill_manual内,则会得到一个图例。使用color,我们将条形更改为蓝色。将filllabs() ""设置为## Plotting discharge and SSL Pgraph1 <- ggplot(Pyay, aes(x=Month, group = 2)) Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + geom_bar(aes(y=P_Discharge, fill = "discharge"), stat="identity") Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + geom_line(aes(y=P_SSL, colour = "SSL"), size=1)+ labs(y=expression(Q/(m^{3}))) + labs(x=" ") Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + scale_fill_manual(values = c("discharge" = "blue")) + labs(color = "", fill = "") #adding second axis Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.,name = expression(Suspended~sediment~load~(10^{6}~t)))) #colouring axis titles Pgraph1 <- Pgraph1 + theme( axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_text(size=14), axis.text.x = element_text(size=14) ) Pgraph1 会删除它们。

function lowerCase(ans) {
  if(!ans){ //Fail safe when empty string sent
      return '';
  var lowCase = ans.toLowerCase();
  return lowCase; // changed returned value to lowCase earlier you were returning 'lowerCase'

var questions = ['How may strings does a violin have?', 'How many sides does an octagon have?',
  'How many NBA championships did Michael Jordan win with the Chicago Bulls?'
var answers = ['FOUR', 'EIGHT', 'SIX'];

var score = 0;
function quiz(counter) {
  var guesses = 1;
  while (guesses > 0) {
    var ans = prompt(questions[counter]);
    ans = lowerCase(ans); // Lower case conversion done separately for clarity
    document.write('Guess: '+ans+'</br>'); // Moved the document write to a place where answer is  visible
    if (ans === lowerCase(answers[counter])) { // the answer array values were also converted to lower case if not this logic is broken
      return guesses;
    } else {
      alert("Incorrect, You have " + guesses + " guesses remaining");
  return 0;

quiz(0); // called quiz with zero as an example

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:3)


par(mar=c(5, 5, 4, 5) + 0.1)                                   # adjust plot margins
b <- barplot(Pyay$Mean.monthly.discharge, col="blue",          # plots and saves x-coordinates
             ylim=c(0, 90),
lines(b, Pyay$Mean.suspended.sediment.load, col="red", lwd=2)  # use x-coordinates here
axis(1, b, labels=Pyay$Month)
axis(4, seq(0, 90, 20), labels=, seq(0, 90, 20))
mtext(expression(Suspended~sediment~load~(10^{6}~t)), 4, 3)
legend("topleft", legend=c("discharge", "SSL"), pch=c(15, NA),
       pt.cex=2, lty=c(0, 1), col=c("blue", "red"))

给予 enter image description here


Pyay <- structure(list(Month = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", 
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"), Mean.monthly.discharge = c(8.528, 
6.316, 7, 8.635, 12.184, 30.414, 70.753, 79.255, 67.079, 53.677, 
22.937, 12.409), Mean.monthly.max.temperature = c(32.2, 35.1, 
37.6, 38.7, 36, 31.9, 31, 31, 32.3, 33.5, 32.7, 31.5), Mean.suspended.sediment.load = c(3.407, 
2.319, 2.587, 3.573, 5.785, 21.811, 70.175, 81.873, 65.798, 47.404, 
14.468, 5.842), Max.monthly.rainfall = c(1.5, 0.9, 5.1, 27.3, 
145.1, 234.8, 198, 227.5, 205.7, 124, 56, 1.5), Mean.monthly.minimum.temperature = c(16.2, 
17.8, 21.2, 24.7, 25.6, 24.8, 24.8, 24.7, 24.6, 24.2, 21.7, 18.1
)), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = "data.frame")