我正在使用Amazon的product-listing-creation模板在Amazon上创建和更新产品列表。 Amazon的模板包括用于将CSV内容导入模板的Excel宏,但我希望绕过此步骤并直接克隆,编辑和重新保存Excel文件。
def create_workbook(chunk, file_count):
'''This creates a single output workbook from a chunk of campaign_dicts.'''
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(AMAZON_TEMPLATE_FILENAME)
sheet = workbook["Template"]
rows = []
for campaign_dict in chunk:
rows += create_rows(campaign_dict) # Returns a list of lists of cell values.
workbook.save("output/output" + str(file_count) + ".xlsx")
def write_rows_to_sheet(sheet, rows, starting_row, starting_col):
'''This writes data to a worksheet of an openpyxl workbook, starting from the given coordinates.
The rows for this function should be a list of lists, where each list is a row.'''
for row_number, row in enumerate(rows):
for column_number, cell in enumerate(row):
if isinstance(cell, str):
cell = re.sub(ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_RE, '', cell)
sheet.cell(row = row_number + starting_row + 1, column = column_number + starting_col + 1).value = cell
return sheet
Feed Processing Summary:
Number of records processed 0
Number of records successful 0
original-record-number sku error-code error-type error-message
0 99217 Info The processing report is too long, or has generated too many errors for it to display properly in the Excel sheet. So we have generated the processing report in Text format. The Excel reports are limited to 50,000 errors and 1,000,000 rows of product data.
0 90502 Fatal The file does not contain a worksheet with a template type that is supported for Excel upload. Please save your file in a tab-delimited text file format (*.txt) and upload again.