我无法修复该错误。 python的新手。我需要在Python代码中使用优先级队列。寻找高效的东西 我正在尝试生成10个随机数,并将其应用于下面提供的优先级队列。我运行了代码并得到了:TypeError:无法散列的类型:'list'
import heapq
import itertools
import random
class PQ_Heap(object):
def __init__(self):
print ("creates a min heap from passed in list")
self.heap = []
self.entries = {}
self.counter = itertools.count()
def enQueue(self, item, priority):
print ("adds an item to the PQ and reheapifies")
if item in self.entries:
count = next(self.counter)
# weight = -priority since heap is a min-heap
entry = [-priority, count, item]
self.entries[item] = entry
heapq.heappush(self.heap, entry)
#Add an item to the PQ and reheapify. Print out parent and children (if applicable) or n/a if not
def deQueue(self):
print("removes the highest priority item from the PQ and reheapifies")
while self.heap:
weight, count, item = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
if item is not PriorityQueue._REMOVED:
del self.entries[item]
return -weight, item
raise KeyError("The priority queue is empty")
#Remove the highest priority item from the PQ and reheapify
def sneakAPeek(self):
print ("returns the highest priority in the PQ, but does not remove it")
while self.heap:
weight, count, item = self.heap[0]
if item is PriorityQueue._REMOVED:
return -weight, item
return None
# Return the highest priority item from the PQ, but don't remove it
def isEmpty(self):
print ("returns T if PQ is empty, F if PQ has entries")
if len (self.heap) == 0:
return 'T'
return 'F'
# Return a T if PQ is empty, F if PQ is not empty
def size(self):
print ("returns number of items in queue")
return len (self.heap)
# Return the number of items in the queue
q = PQ_Heap()
item1 = [random.randrange(50000) for _ in range(10)]
q.enQueue(item1, 1)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
q = PQ_Heap()
item1 = [random.randrange(50000) for _ in range(10)]
for item in item1:
q.enQueue(item, 1)