
时间:2011-04-01 06:20:38

标签: java algorithm linked-list




第一次迭代:显而易见 - 从列表中读取每个节点以进行复制并在新列表上创建节点。然后,像这样读取随机节点:this.random.data并插入LinkedHashSet


第三次迭代:迭代LinkedHashSet(这就是为什么需要链接 - 可预测的排序)和新列表同时进行。对于第一个节点,读取LinkedHashSet的第一个条目,在LinkedHashMap中查找相应的对象,并将随机节点添加到新列表中的当前节点。



8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

作为pointed out by MahlerFive,我认为你可以用O(2N)运行时复杂度和O(N)空间复杂度来做到这一点。


public class Node {
    private Node next;
    private Node random;
    private String data;
    // getters and setters omitted for the sake of brevity

我会对Node s的链接列表进行深度复制:

private Node deepCopy(Node original) {
    // We use the following map to associate newly created instances 
    // of Node with the instances of Node in the original list
    Map<Node, Node> map = new HashMap<Node, Node>();
    // We scan the original list and for each Node x we create a new 
    // Node y whose data is a copy of x's data, then we store the 
    // couple (x,y) in map using x as a key. Note that during this 
    // scan we set y.next and y.random to null: we'll fix them in 
    // the next scan
    Node x = original;
    while (x != null) {
        Node y = new Node();
        y.setData(new String(x.getData()));
        map.put(x, y);
        x = x.getNext();
    // Now for each Node x in the original list we have a copy y 
    // stored in our map. We scan again the original list and 
    // we set the pointers buildings the new list
    x = original;
    while (x != null) {
            // we get the node y corresponding to x from the map
        Node y = map.get(x);
            // let x' = x.next; y' = map.get(x') is the new node 
            // corresponding to x'; so we can set y.next = y'
            // let x'' = x.random; y'' = map.get(x'') is the new 
            // node corresponding to x''; so we can set y.random = y''
        x = x.getNext();
    // finally we return the head of the new list, that is the Node y
    // in the map corresponding to the Node original
    return map.get(original);


答案 1 :(得分:4)


  1. 按照“下一个”指针行走旧列表。对于您访问的每个节点,将节点添加到新列表,将新列表中的上一个节点连接到新节点,将旧节点随机指针存储在新新节点中,然后将旧节点指针的映射存储到新节点中。地图中的新节点指针。

  2. 走新列表,并为每个随机指针在地图中查找,以找到新列表中的关联节点以替换它。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我最近在采访中也被问过这个问题。 这是我提出的建议。 创建原始列表节点的映射,其中每个节点的addreess将是键,随机指针的偏移量将是值。 现在使用原始地图中的random pointer = null创建一个新的链表。 最后,迭代原始列表,借助map get原始指针的偏移量,并使用该偏移量链接新创建的地图中的随机指针。


答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


public class CloneLinkedListWithRandomPointer {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    SpecialLink link = new SpecialLink(1);
    SpecialLink two = new SpecialLink(2);
    SpecialLink three = new SpecialLink(3);
    SpecialLink four = new SpecialLink(4);
    SpecialLink five = new SpecialLink(5);

    link.next = two;
    two.next = three;
    three.next = four;
    four.next = five;

    link.random = four;
    two.random = five;
    three.random = null;
    four.random = five;

    SpecialLink copy = cloneSpecialLinkedList(link);


public static SpecialLink cloneSpecialLinkedList(SpecialLink link) throws Exception{

    SpecialLink temp = link;
    while(temp != null){
        temp.next = (SpecialLink) temp.clone();
        temp = temp.next==null?temp.next:temp.next.next;

    temp = link;
    while(temp != null){
        temp.next.random = temp.random!=null?temp.random.next:null;
        temp = temp.next==null?temp.next:temp.next.next;

    SpecialLink copy = link.next;

    temp = link;
    SpecialLink copyTemp = copy;

    while(temp.next!= null && copyTemp.next != null){
        temp.next = temp.next.next;
        copyTemp.next = copyTemp.next.next;

        temp = temp.next;
        copyTemp = copyTemp.next;


    return copy;


class SpecialLink implements Cloneable{

enum Type{

int val;
SpecialLink next;
SpecialLink random;
Type type;

public void setValue(int value){
    this.val = value;

public SpecialLink addNode(int value){
    return next = new SpecialLink(value);

public SpecialLink(int value) {
    this.val = value;
    this.type = Type.ORIGINAL;

public String toString() {
    SpecialLink temp = this;
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    while(temp != null){
        builder.append(temp.val).append("--").append(temp.type.toString()).append("->").append(temp.random == null? null:temp.random.val).append("--").append(temp.random == null? null:temp.random.type);
        builder.append(", ");
        temp = temp.next;
    return builder.toString();

public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    SpecialLink clone = (SpecialLink) super.clone();
    clone.type = Type.COPY;
    return clone;

答案 5 :(得分:0)



private static class Node {
    private String item;
    private Node next;
    private Node random;

public static Node cloneLinkedStructure(Node head) {
    // make holes after each original node
    for (Node p = head; p != null;) {
        Node pnext = p.next;
        Node hole = new Node();
        hole.item = ".";
        p.next = hole;
        hole.next = pnext;
        p = pnext;

    Node fakeHead = new Node(); // fake new head
    Node q = fakeHead;
    Node p = head;
    while (p != null) {
        // build the new linked structure
        Node oldq = q;
        q = new Node();
        q.item = p.item;
        oldq.next = q;
        q.random = p.random.next; // link to a hole

        Node hole = p.next;
        hole.random = q; // use link RANDOM as a backward link to new node

        p = hole.next;
    q.next = null;

    Node newHead = fakeHead.next; // throw fake head
    // build random links for the new linked structure
    for (q = newHead; q != null; q = q.next)
        q.random = q.random.random;

    // delete holes to restore original linked structure
    for (p = head; p != null; p = p.next)
        p.next = p.next.next;

    return newHead;

答案 6 :(得分:0)


1)创建节点1的副本并将其插入节点1和节点1之间。原始链接列表中的节点2,创建2的副本并将其插入2和2之间。 3 ..以这种方式继续,在第N个节点后添加N的副本



original->next->arbitrary = original->arbitrary->next;  /*TRAVERSE TWO NODES*/

这是有效的,因为原始&gt;接下来只是原始副本和原始 - &gt;任意 - &gt;接下来只是任意的副本。    3)现在以这种方式在单个循环中恢复原始和复制链接列表。

original->next = original->next->next;
copy->next = copy->next->next;

4)确保original-&gt; next的最后一个元素为NULL。






答案 7 :(得分:0)


public static <T> RandomLinearNode<T> clone(RandomLinearNode<T> head) {
    if (head == null) {
        return head;
    RandomLinearNode<T> itr = head, temp;

    // insert copy nodes after each original nodes
    while (itr != null) {
        temp = new RandomLinearNode<T>(itr.getElement());
        itr = temp.next();
    // copy the random pointer
    itr = head;
    while (itr != null && itr.next() != null) {
        if (itr.random() != null) {
        itr = itr.next().next();
    // break the list into two
    RandomLinearNode<T> newHead = head.next();
    itr = head;
    while (itr != null && itr.next() != null) {
        temp = itr.next();
        itr = temp.next();
    return newHead;


public void cloneLinkeListWithRandomPointerTest() {
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> one = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(1, null, null);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> two = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(2, one, null);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> three = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(3, two, null);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> four = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(4, three, null);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> five = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(5, four, four);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> six = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(6, five, two);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> seven = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(7, six, three);
    RandomLinearNode<Integer> eight = new RandomLinearNode<Integer>(8, seven, one);

    RandomLinearNode<Integer> newHead = LinkedListUtil.clone(eight);
    assertThat(eight, not(sameInstance(newHead)));
    assertThat(newHead.getElement(), equalTo(eight.getElement()));
    assertThat(newHead.random().getElement(), equalTo(eight.random().getElement()));

    assertThat(newHead.next().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().getElement()));
    assertThat(newHead.next().random().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().random().getElement()));

    assertThat(newHead.next().next().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().next().getElement()));
    assertThat(newHead.next().next().random().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().next().random().getElement()));

    assertThat(newHead.next().next().next().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().next().next().getElement()));
    assertThat(newHead.next().next().next().random().getElement(), equalTo(eight.next().next().next().random().getElement()));