T = m * K * log(ywr *(T 蛋-T 水)/(T 蛋黄-T 水))
...转换为JavaScript代码。我已经完成了简单的部分,但是我什至不知道如何开始将鸡蛋的导热特性转换为JS。由于缺乏物理知识,我可能走错了路或误解了某些东西,因此我加入了指向pdf that I am referencing的链接。
const m = 56 // in grams
const K = // thermal properties of egg find out how to represent K in JS
const T_egg = -15.556 // celsius
const Twater = 212 // @sealevel change this to a mutable variable
const Tyolk = .69 // T(.69a, tcooked)
const ywr = .76 // ratio of yolks to whites
function TminTwater(T, Twater, T_egg){
if (T || Twater || T_egg != null ){
const d = (T_egg - Twater)
const e = (T - Twater)
const f = (d / e)
const g = ywr * f
return g
} else console.log('error at function TminTwater')
// T = m * K * LOG(ywr * (Tegg - Twater) / (Tyolk - Twater))
function solution(TminTwater, K , m){
答案 0 :(得分:0)
let temperatureEggBeginning = 4; // TStart Temperatur des Eis bei Beginn des Kochvorgangs [Kühlschrank ≈ 4 °C … Zimmertemperatur ≈ 20 °C]
let temperatureYolkEnd = 63; // TInnen Temperatur des gekochten Eigelbs im gewünschten Zustand [weich ≈ 62 °C … hart ≈ 82 °C]
let temperatureBoilingWaterAtZero = 100;
let massOfEgg = 57; //M das Gewicht des Eis in Gramm medium = 57
let altitude = 0;
let meterBoilingPoint = 285; // Siedepunkt sinkt um 1 °C pro 285 m. // K thermalConductivityEgg / 60 from https://khymos.org/2009/04/09/towards-the-perfect-soft-boiled-egg/
let temperatureBoilingWater = temperatureBoilingWaterAtZero - altitude / meterBoilingPoint; // TWasser
let eggC = 3.7;
let eggP = 1.038;
let eggK = 5.4 * Math.pow(10, -3);
let thermalConductivityEgg = (eggC * Math.pow(eggP, 1 / 3)) / (eggK * Math.pow(Math.PI, 2) * Math.pow(4 * (Math.PI / 3), 2 / 3));
let timeInSeconds = thermalConductivityEgg * Math.pow(massOfEgg, 2 / 3) * Math.log(0.76 * (temperatureEggBeginning - temperatureBoilingWater) / (temperatureYolkEnd - temperatureBoilingWater));
// = (57^(2/3)*3.7*1.038^(1/3))/(5.4*10^-3*pi^2*(4*pi/3)^(2/3))*ln(.76*(4-100)/(63-100)) = 272.039 bei https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+%3D+%2857%5E%282%2F3%29*3.7*1.038%5E%281%2F3%29%29%2F%285.4*10%5E-3*pi%5E2*%284*pi%2F3%29%5E%282%2F3%29%29*ln%28.76*%284-100%29%2F%2863-100%29%29
let timeInMinutes = timeInSeconds / 60;