我的输入文件有8列。我有38个文件想要合并在一起。 输入文件:AAA.out
pos gpos p1 ihh1 p2 ihh2 xpehh
9.1022217 1022217 1.02222e+06 0.138333 901220 0.0738636 572286 0.454111
9.1024910 1024910 1.02491e+06 0.138333 900853 0.0738636 572286 0.453703
9.1041353 1041353 1.04135e+06 0.246667 852186 0.0738636 573584 0.3959
9.1070162 1070162 1.07016e+06 0.113333 870718 0 583622 0.400065
pos gpos p1 ihh1 p2 ihh2 xpehh
8.1135641 1135641 1.13564e+06 0.368333 639953 0.352273 512804 0.2215
8.1152035 1152035 1.15204e+06 0.00333333 651548 0 540213 0.187389
8.1158202 1158202 1.1582e+06 0.358333 646188 0 540213 0.179129
8.1178735 1178735 1.17874e+06 0.01 654438 0.409091 486335 0.29688
8.1193344 1193344 1.19334e+06 0 651573 0 497049 0.270699
8.1230464 1230464 1.23046e+06 0.373333 631599 0.505682 482294 0.269701
合并它们files <- list.files(pattern = "*.*.out", full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
#make a list of all out.files
uridata <- data.frame()
#go through each file, one by one, and add it to the 'uridata' df, above
big_list_of_data_frames <- lapply(files, read.table, skip = FALSE,header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
big_data_frame <- do.call(rbind,big_list_of_data_frames)
new_fram <- big_data_frame [,c(1,7)]
the dput:
structure(list(pos = c(1022217L, 1024910L, 1041353L, 1070162L,
1089884L), gpos = c(1022220, 1024910, 1041350, 1070160, 1089880
), p1 = c(0.138333, 0.138333, 0.246667, 0.113333, 0.113333),
ihh1 = c(901220L, 900853L, 852186L, 870718L, 870014L), p2 = c(0.0738636,
0.0738636, 0.0738636, 0, 0), ihh2 = c(572286L, 572286L, 573584L,
583622L, 583435L), xpehh = c(0.454111, 0.453703, 0.3959,
0.400065, 0.399577)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("9.1022217",
"9.1024910", "9.1041353", "9.1070162", "9.1089884"))
9.1022217 0.454111
9.1024910 0.453703
9.1041353 0.3959
8.1135641 0.2215
答案 0 :(得分:1)
> read.table(text=BBB, header=TRUE)
pos gpos p1 ihh1 p2 ihh2 xpehh
8.1135641 1135641 1135640 0.36833300 639953 0.352273 512804 0.221500
8.1152035 1152035 1152040 0.00333333 651548 0.000000 540213 0.187389
8.1158202 1158202 1158200 0.35833300 646188 0.000000 540213 0.179129
8.1178735 1178735 1178740 0.01000000 654438 0.409091 486335 0.296880
8.1193344 1193344 1193340 0.00000000 651573 0.000000 497049 0.270699
8.1230464 1230464 1230460 0.37333300 631599 0.505682 482294 0.269701
> rownames(read.table(text=BBB, header=TRUE))
[1] "8.1135641" "8.1152035" "8.1158202" "8.1178735" "8.1193344" "8.1230464"
参数的内容。 TLDR;通过将其设置为NULL来禁用它。
> read.table(text=BBB, row.names = NULL, header=TRUE)
row.names pos gpos p1 ihh1 p2 ihh2 xpehh
1 8.1135641 1135641 1135640 0.36833300 639953 0.352273 512804 0.221500
2 8.1152035 1152035 1152040 0.00333333 651548 0.000000 540213 0.187389
3 8.1158202 1158202 1158200 0.35833300 646188 0.000000 540213 0.179129
4 8.1178735 1178735 1178740 0.01000000 654438 0.409091 486335 0.296880
5 8.1193344 1193344 1193340 0.00000000 651573 0.000000 497049 0.270699
6 8.1230464 1230464 1230460 0.37333300 631599 0.505682 482294 0.269701
> rownames(read.table(text=BBB, row.names = NULL, header=TRUE))
[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"
您可以在此处看到第一列的名称方便地命名为“ row.names”。如果列名是预先固定的,则只需提供带有col.names