
时间:2019-03-05 20:46:51

标签: sql sql-server tsql


  1. 如果在同一个城市有约翰和玛丽,我只需要为玛丽显示一行
  2. 如果在同一个城市有约翰,玛丽和史蒂夫,我只需要为约翰显示一行
  3. 如果在同一座城市有约翰和史蒂夫,请为史蒂夫表演



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


WITH cte AS (
  SELECT city, STRING_AGG(name, ',') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY name)AS people
  FROM tab
  GROUP BY city
FROM tab t
              FROM cte c
              WHERE t.city = c.city 
                AND CASE c.people
                       WHEN 'John,Mary' THEN 'Mary'
                       WHEN 'John,Mary,Steve' THEN 'John'
                       WHEN 'John,Steve' THEN 'Steve'
                       ELSE t.name
                    END = t.name)

db<>fiddle demo


| id  |   city    | name  |
|  1  | Montreal  | John  |
|  2  | Montreal  | Mary  |
|  3  | Berlin    | Mary  |
|  4  | Berlin    | Steve |
|  5  | Berlin    | John  |
|  6  | Tokyo     | Steve |
|  7  | Tokyo     | John  |
|  8  | Moscow    | Mary  |
|  9  | Moscow    | Steve |

-- Output:

| id  |   city    | name  |
|  2  | Montreal  | Mary  |
|  5  | Berlin    | John  |
|  6  | Tokyo     | Steve |
|  8  | Moscow    | Mary  |
|  9  | Moscow    | Steve |

答案 1 :(得分:0)


select t.*
from (select t.*,
             sum(case when name = 'John' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by city) as has_john,
             sum(case when name = 'Mary' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by city) as has_mary,
             sum(case when name = 'Steve' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by city) as has_steve,
             sum(case when name not in ('John', 'Mary', 'Steve') then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by city) as has_others
      from t
     ) t
where (name = 'Mary' and has_john = 1 and has_mary = 1 and has_steve = 0 and has_others = 0) or
      (name = 'John' and has_john = 1 and has_mary = 1 and has_steve = 1 and has_others = 0) or
      (name = 'Steve' and has_john = 1 and has_mary = 0 and has_steve = 1 and has_others = 0) or
      (not (has_john = 1 and has_mary = 1 and has_steve = 0 or
            has_john = 1 and has_mary = 1 and has_steve = 1 or
            has_john = 1 and has_mary = 0 and has_steve = 1 

答案 2 :(得分:0)


WITH cities_with_john AS  (SELECT City, Name FROM cities WHERE Name = 'John'),
     cities_with_Mary AS  (SELECT City, Name FROM cities WHERE Name = 'Mary'),
     cities_with_Steve AS (SELECT City, Name FROM cities WHERE Name = 'Steve')
FROM cities c
LEFT JOIN cities_with_John j ON c.City = j.City
LEFT JOIN cities_with_Mary m ON c.City = m.City
LEFT JOIN cities_with_Steve s ON c.City = s.City
WHERE c.Name NOT IN ('John', 'Mary', 'Steve') --Anyone else shows up always
    OR (c.Name = 'Mary' --Mary only shows up if either John or Steve are not in town
        AND (j.Name IS NULL OR s.Name IS NULL))
    OR (c.Name = 'Steve' --Steve only shows up if either Mary or Steve are not in town
        AND (j.Name IS NULL OR m.Name IS NULL))
    OR (c.Name = 'John' --John only shows up if both Mary and Steve are in town, or if both are not
        AND ((s.Name IS NULL AND m.Name IS NULL)
              OR (s.Name IS NOT NULL AND m.Name IS NOT NULL)))
ORDER BY City, Name


City        Name
----------- ------------
Berlin      Kate
Havana      John
Havana      Kate
Havana      Steve
Miami       John
Miami       Kate
Miami       Mary
Miami       Steve
Nairobi     Kate
Nairobi     Mary
New York    John
New York    Kate
New York    Mary
Oslo        John
Oslo        Kate
Paris       Kate
Paris       Mary
Paris       Steve
Tokio       Kate
Tokio       Steve



City         Name
------------ ----------
Berlin       Kate
Havana       Kate
Havana       Steve
Miami        John
Miami        Kate
Nairobi      Kate
Nairobi      Mary
New York     Kate
New York     Mary
Oslo         John
Oslo         Kate
Paris        Kate
Paris        Mary
Paris        Steve
Tokio        Kate
Tokio        Steve