无法使用WebRTC MediaDevices在React应用程序中切换摄像头(从前到后)

时间:2019-03-05 10:30:15

标签: reactjs camera webrtc webcam mediastream

这是我打算做的示例演示。 如果有人对使此修复程序起作用或有任何新逻辑有任何想法,请共享。

此演示通过使用mediaStream API和 使用react-webcam库,该库实际上提供了在名为videoConstraints = {faceingMode:'user'或'environment'}的道具的帮助下管理摄像机视图的选项,但似乎无法正常工作。 当我单击摄像头开关时,ICON屏幕只是挂起,什么也没有显示,并且有时它出乎意料地工作,所以最终我不得不跳到本机API解决方案,该解决方案显示了下面的代码。 衷心感谢。

    start() {
       if (window.stream) {
         console.log('found stream and clearing that', window.stream)
         window.stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
       const constraints = {
         video: true,
         audio: false
       return navigator.mediaDevices
     gotStream(stream) {
       window.stream = stream // make stream available to console
       // video.srcObject = stream;
       // Refresh button list in case labels have become available
       console.log('enumerating media devices ')
       return navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
     gotDevices(mediaDevices) {
       const { availableVideoInputs, videoConstraints } = this.state
       mediaDevices.forEach(mediaDevice => {
         // console.log(mediaDevice)
         if (mediaDevice.kind === 'videoinput') {
           console.log('found new video input ', mediaDevice)
             deviceId: mediaDevice.deviceId,
             label: mediaDevice.label
           // availableVideoInputs.push('mediaDevice.deviceId.availableVideoInputs.push(mediaDevice.deviceId)')
       console.log('aggregated availableVideoInputs new ', availableVideoInputs)
       if (availableVideoInputs.length > 0) {
         // there are accessible webcam
         // setting first device as default to open
         const tempVideoConstraint = {...videoConstraints}
         if (availableVideoInputs[0].deviceId) {
           console.log('availableVideoInputs[0] = ', availableVideoInputs[0])
           tempVideoConstraint.deviceId = availableVideoInputs[0].deviceId
         // console.log('putting tempVideoConstraint.facingMode ', tempVideoConstraint)
         // if (availableVideoInputs[0].label.includes('back')) {
         //   tempVideoConstraint.facingMode = { exact: 'environment'}
         // } else {
         //   // it is now turn to set front active
         //   tempVideoConstraint.facingMode = 'user'
         // }
         console.log('setting new video constrains ', tempVideoConstraint)
         // this.setState({
         //   availableVideoInputs,
         //   // activeVideoInputID: availableVideoInputs[0].deviceId,
         //   // videoConstraints: tempVideoConstraint
         // })
         return Promise.resolve('done setting updateAvailableVideoStream')
       } else {
         // no webcam is available or accessible
     updateAvailableVideoStream(availableVideoInputs) {
       this.setState({ availableVideoInputs })
    componentDidMount() {
         .then(data => {
           console.log('data ', data)
           console.log('update state ', this.state)
             videoConstraints: {
               facingMode: 'user'
    handleCameraSwitch() {
         const { videoConstraints, availableVideoInputs, activeVideoInputID } = this.state
       console.log('current video constraints ', videoConstraints)
       const tempVideoConstraint = { ...videoConstraints }
       // now check if it is possible to change camera view
       // means check for another webcam
       console.log({ availableVideoInputs })
       console.log({ activeVideoInputID })
       console.log({ remainingVideoStreams })
       if (availableVideoInputs.length === 1) {
         // cannot change the webcam as there is only 1 webcam available
         console.error('ERR - cannot change camera view [Available Video Inputs: 1]')
       // now change the view to another camera
       // get the current active video input device id and filter then from available video stream
       const remainingVideoStreams = availableVideoInputs.filter(videoStream => videoStream.deviceId !== activeVideoInputID)
       // now check if in remainingVideoStreams there is more than 1 stream available to switch
       // if available then show the Stream Selection List to user
       // else change the stream to remainingVideoStreams[0]
       console.log({ availableVideoInputs })
       console.log({ activeVideoInputID })
       console.log({ remainingVideoStreams })
       if (remainingVideoStreams && remainingVideoStreams.length === 1) {
         tempVideoConstraint.deviceId = remainingVideoStreams[0].deviceId
         console.log('new video constraints ', {...tempVideoConstraint})
         console.log('webcam ref ', this.webCamRef.current)
         // if (remainingVideoStreams[0].label.includes('back') || tempVideoConstraint.facingMode === 'user') {
         //   tempVideoConstraint.facingMode = { exact: 'environment' }
         // } else {
         //   // it is now turn to set front active
         //   tempVideoConstraint.facingMode = 'user'
         // }
         console.log('new video constraints with facing mode', tempVideoConstraint)
         // const constraints = {
         //   video: tempVideoConstraint
         // }
         // navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints)
         //   .then((stream) => {
         //     console.log('stream -> ', stream)
         //   })
         //   .catch((error) => {
         //     console.error('Some error occured while changing the camera view ', error)
         //     console.log(error)
         //   })
         this.setState({ videoConstraints: tempVideoConstraint, activeVideoInputID: remainingVideoStreams[0].deviceId })
       } else {
         // show the remaining stream list to user
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这是您的实现的微小变化。 但这完全可以满足您的要求。

请参阅以下实现来前后切换相机。 我还添加了错误验证,例如:

  1. 如果没有视频流,它将引发错误。
  2. 如果尝试访问后置摄像头时只有1个视频流可用,则会引发错误。


componentDidMount() {
    const gotDevices = (mediaDevices) =>
      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const availableVideoInputs = []
        mediaDevices.forEach(mediaDevice => {
          if (mediaDevice.kind === 'videoinput') {
              deviceId: mediaDevice.deviceId,
              label: mediaDevice.label

        if (availableVideoInputs.length > 0) {
        } else {
          reject(new Error('ERR::NO_MEDIA_TO_STREAM'))

      .then((availableVideoInputs) => this.setState({ availableVideoInputs }))
      .catch((err) => this.setState({ hasError: err }))

  updateFileUploadView(newActiveView) {
    this.setState({ activeFileUploadView: newActiveView })

    const { hasError } = this.state
    if (newActiveView === 'clickFromWebcam' && hasError) {
      return console.error(hasError)

    if (newActiveView === '') {
      // means no view is active and clear the selected image
      this.setState({ captureImageBase64: '', videoConstraints: defaultVideoConstraints  })
  changeCameraView() {
    const { availableVideoInputs } = this.state
    if (availableVideoInputs.length === 1) {
      return console.error('ERR::AVAILABLE_MEDIA_STREAMS_IS_1')

    this.setState({ resetCameraView: true })

    setTimeout(() => {
      const { videoConstraints: { facingMode } } = this.state
      const newFacingMode = facingMode === 'user' ? { exact: 'environment' } : 'user'

        videoConstraints: { facingMode: newFacingMode },
        resetCameraView: false
    }, 100)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>

                !resetCameraView ?
                  : 'Loading...'


componentDidMount 中,您将首先检查类型为视频输入的可用媒体流,然后在其他方法中(例如更改cameraView),即将摄像机切换为前/后。 / p>

我仅在100毫秒内卸载网络摄像头,然后使用新的 videoConstraints 将其重新安装回 {FaceingMode:'user'} 或< strong> {faceMode:{确切的:'环境'}}

这种方法将使您的代码有一个良好的开端,并且您可以在代码中玩转并玩得开心。 谢谢!