
时间:2019-02-28 18:30:58

标签: python recursion

我最近遇到了以下功能。当试图解释它时,我最初迷失了试图理解如何将具有两个输入的第一个函数彼此相加,直到“ y”等于0或“ x”为止。此外,我发现奇怪的是,我不需要为“ x”或“ y”定义任何变量,只需在第二个函数中传递数字“ N”即可生成“回文”列表,例如[1, 6、15、20、15、6、1]在通过N = 7的情况下。有人可以帮助我理解第一个函数与其递归函数的关系,以及与第二个函数的关系如何产生数字列表?即这是什么样的算法?

def func(x, y):
  if y in (0, x):
    return 1
  return func(x-1, y-1) + func(x-1, y)

def func2(N):
  return [[func(x, y) for y in range(x + 1)] for x in range(N)][N-1]

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

正如@ user2357112所指出的,它与Pascal's triangle有关,而后者又与binomial expansions有关。 data() { return { dataresults: [], }; }, axios .get("api/getoutcome") .then((response) => { this.dataresults = response.data }) .catch(function(error) { console.warn(error); }); 返回的值是func2(N)的扩展系数。

例如,(x+y)^(N-1)使得(x+y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2返回func2(3)

另一个函数[1, 2, 1]只是递归地沿着Pascal的三角形移动,以确定该项的适当值。从链接中注意到,帕斯卡三角形中的每个项都是其正上方的两个项的总和。您的代码在底部的每个术语中都会遍历三角形一次,这使其效率比其他计算二项式展开系数的方法低得多。



答案 1 :(得分:2)

我检测了您的内部功能,以细致入微地跟踪操作。每次递归都缩进2个空格;每个print都有一个标签,原始x, y值以及最近计算出的所有其他信息。

indent = ""
def func(x, y):
  global indent
  print(indent, "ENTER", x, y)
  indent += "  "    # increase output indentation

  if y in (0, x):
    result = 1
    part1 = func(x-1, y-1)
    print(indent, "PART1", x, y, part1)
    part2 = func(x-1, y)
    print(indent, "PART2", x, y, part2)

    result = part1 + part2

  indent = indent[2:]   # decrease output indentation
  print(indent, "LEAVE", x, y, result)
  return result

def func2(N):
  return [[func(x, y) for y in range(x + 1)] for x in range(N)][N-1]



 ENTER 0 0
 LEAVE 0 0 1
 ENTER 1 0
 LEAVE 1 0 1
 ENTER 1 1
 LEAVE 1 1 1
 ENTER 2 0
 LEAVE 2 0 1
 ENTER 2 1
   ENTER 1 0
   LEAVE 1 0 1
   PART1 2 1 1
   ENTER 1 1
   LEAVE 1 1 1
   PART2 2 1 1
 LEAVE 2 1 2
 ENTER 2 2
 LEAVE 2 2 1
 ENTER 3 0
 LEAVE 3 0 1
 ENTER 3 1
   ENTER 2 0
   LEAVE 2 0 1
   PART1 3 1 1
   ENTER 2 1
     ENTER 1 0
     LEAVE 1 0 1
     PART1 2 1 1
     ENTER 1 1
     LEAVE 1 1 1
     PART2 2 1 1
   LEAVE 2 1 2
   PART2 3 1 2
 LEAVE 3 1 3
 ENTER 3 2
   ENTER 2 1
     ENTER 1 0
     LEAVE 1 0 1
     PART1 2 1 1
     ENTER 1 1
     LEAVE 1 1 1
     PART2 2 1 1
   LEAVE 2 1 2
   PART1 3 2 2
   ENTER 2 2
   LEAVE 2 2 1
   PART2 3 2 1
 LEAVE 3 2 3
 ENTER 3 3
 LEAVE 3 3 1
 ENTER 4 0
 LEAVE 4 0 1
 ENTER 4 1
   ENTER 3 0
   LEAVE 3 0 1
   PART1 4 1 1
   ENTER 3 1
     ENTER 2 0
     LEAVE 2 0 1
     PART1 3 1 1
     ENTER 2 1
       ENTER 1 0
       LEAVE 1 0 1
       PART1 2 1 1
       ENTER 1 1
       LEAVE 1 1 1
       PART2 2 1 1
     LEAVE 2 1 2
     PART2 3 1 2
   LEAVE 3 1 3
   PART2 4 1 3
 LEAVE 4 1 4
 ENTER 4 2
   ENTER 3 1
     ENTER 2 0
     LEAVE 2 0 1
     PART1 3 1 1
     ENTER 2 1
       ENTER 1 0
       LEAVE 1 0 1
       PART1 2 1 1
       ENTER 1 1
       LEAVE 1 1 1
       PART2 2 1 1
     LEAVE 2 1 2
     PART2 3 1 2
   LEAVE 3 1 3
   PART1 4 2 3
   ENTER 3 2
     ENTER 2 1
       ENTER 1 0
       LEAVE 1 0 1
       PART1 2 1 1
       ENTER 1 1
       LEAVE 1 1 1
       PART2 2 1 1
     LEAVE 2 1 2
     PART1 3 2 2
     ENTER 2 2
     LEAVE 2 2 1
     PART2 3 2 1
   LEAVE 3 2 3
   PART2 4 2 3
 LEAVE 4 2 6
 ENTER 4 3
   ENTER 3 2
     ENTER 2 1
       ENTER 1 0
       LEAVE 1 0 1
       PART1 2 1 1
       ENTER 1 1
       LEAVE 1 1 1
       PART2 2 1 1
     LEAVE 2 1 2
     PART1 3 2 2
     ENTER 2 2
     LEAVE 2 2 1
     PART2 3 2 1
   LEAVE 3 2 3
   PART1 4 3 3
   ENTER 3 3
   LEAVE 3 3 1
   PART2 4 3 1
 LEAVE 4 3 4
 ENTER 4 4
 LEAVE 4 4 1
[1, 4, 6, 4, 1]


答案 2 :(得分:1)



# line 1            1
# line 2          1   1
# line 3        1   2   1
# line 4      1   3   3   1
# line 5    1   4   6   4   1
# Each line has one more value thant the previous one
# Each position on a line is the sum of the two numbers above it
# those  are the ones at index i-1 an i respectively,
# except for edges that are always 1

def valueAt(line,position): # func(x,y)
    if position == 0 or position == line:
        return 1
    return valueAt(line-1,position-1) + valueAt(line-1,position)

def pascalLine(N): # func2(N)
    triangle = []
    for lineNumber in range(N):
        line = []
        for position in range(lineNumber+1):
            value = valueAt(lineNumber,position)
    return triangle[N-1]



def pLine(N):
    if N==1: return [1]
    line = pLine(N-1)
    return list(map(sum,zip([0]+line,line+[0])))