
时间:2019-02-28 17:28:36

标签: excel vba


| Comments                                    |
| [7/2] Level changed from 10 to 9            |
| [14/2] Alignment changed from ABC to XYZ    |
| [21/2] Location changed from US to UK       |
| [28/2] Chapter changed from [blank] to ABCD |
| [14/2] Level changed from 5 to 4            |
| [21/2] Location changed from US to UK       |
| [21/2] Chapter changed from JKLM to ABCD    |
| [28/2] Chapter changed from EFGH to MNOP    |
| [21/2] Location changed from IN to JP       |

我正在寻找的输出应该类似于(基本上是在Chapter changed from < SOURCE > to < DESTINATION >之间提取文本),

| Comments                                    | Old Chapter  | New Chapter  |
| [7/2] Level changed from 10 to 9            | [blank]      | ABCD         |
| [14/2] Alignment changed from ABC to XYZ    |              |              |
| [21/2] Location changed from US to UK       |              |              |
| [28/2] Chapter changed from [blank] to ABCD |              |              |
| [14/2] Level changed from 5 to 4            |              |              |
| [21/2] Location changed from US to UK       |              |              |
| [21/2] Chapter changed from JKLM to ABCD    |              |              |
| [28/2] Chapter changed from EFGH to MNOP    | EFGH         | MNOP         |
| [21/2] Location changed from IN to JP       |              |              |


  • 单元格可能没有任何“更改章节”文本,在这种情况下,无需进行处理。

  • “章节更改”文本始终是最后一行。

  • 只想跟踪今天的更改(例如[28/2] =TEXT(today(), "dd/m"

  • 我认为Excel在""(双引号)内包装文本。

我对Excel公式或VBA脚本感到满意。已经尝试过类似KuTools,=MID(Resources[@Comments],SEARCH("Chapter changed from",Resources[@Comments])+20,SEARCH("to", Resources[@Comments]) - SEARCH("Chapter changed from",Resources[@Comments])-21)之类的东西。

要检查我使用的日期部分,=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("["&TEXT(TODAY(), "dd/m")&"] Chapter changed", Resources[@Comments])), "Yes", "")


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 使用vbnewlineChr(10)分散单元格内容
  2. 分割为“ []
  3. 拆分为“]”
  4. 检查日期
  5. 拆分为“来自”
  6. 拆分为“至”


Sub Sample()
    Dim cellValue As String
    Dim tmpAr As Variant
    Dim Dt As String, lastLine As String
    Dim OLDc  As String, NEWc As String
    Dim rng As Range

    '~~> Set the range
    Set rng = Sheet1.Range("A2")

    '~~> Split on Linefeed. It could be Chr(13) as well
    tmpAr = Split(rng.Value, Chr(10))

    '~~> Get the last line
    lastLine = tmpAr(UBound(tmpAr))

    '~~> Get the date part
    Dt = Split(lastLine, "[")(1)
    Dt = Split(Dt, "]")(0)

    '~~> Check if it is same as today
    If Format(Date, "D/M") = Dt Then
        lastLine = Split(lastLine, "from")(1)
        OLDc = Trim(Split(lastLine, "to")(0))
        NEWc = Trim(Split(lastLine, "to")(1))

        rng.Offset(, 1).Value = OLDc
        rng.Offset(, 2).Value = NEWc
    End If
End Sub

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Sub DoThat()
    Dim cell As Range
    With Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
        .Offset(, 1).Resize(, 2).Value = .Value
        For Each cell In .Offset(, 1).Cells
            If InStr(cell.Value2, Format(Date, "D/M")) > 0 Then
                cell.Replace "*from ", ""
                cell.Replace " to *", ""                
                cell.Offset(, 1).Replace "*to ", ""
                cell.Resize(, 2).ClearContents
            End If
    End With
End Sub