
时间:2019-02-27 21:38:42

标签: python multithreading multiprocessing


import multiprocessing
import time
def func(msg):
  for i in range(3):
if __name__ == "__main__":
  pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=8)
  for i in range(10):
    msg = "hello %d" %(i)
    pool.apply_async(func, (msg, ))
    print('check whether block' + str(i))
  print("Sub-process(es) done.")


hello 0
hello 2
hello 4
hello 1
hello 3
hello 5
hello 6
hello 7
check whether block0
check whether block1
check whether block2
check whether block3
check whether block4
check whether block5
check whether block6
check whether block7
check whether block8
check whether block9
hello 0
hello 4
hello 1
hello 5
hello 2
hello 3
hello 6
hello 7
hello 4
hello 0
hello 6
hello 3
hello 5
hello 2
hello 7
hello 1
hello 8
hello 9
hello 9
hello 8
hello 9
hello 8
Sub-process(es) done.


hello 0
check whether block0
hello 2
check whether block2
hello 4
check whether block4
hello 1
check whether block1
hello 3
check whether block3
hello 5
check whether block5
hello 6
check whether block6
hello 7
check whether block7
hello 0
hello 4
hello 1
hello 5
hello 2
hello 3
hello 6
hello 7
hello 4
hello 0
hello 6
hello 3
hello 5
hello 2
hello 7
hello 1
hello 8
check whether block8
hello 9
check whether block9
hello 9
hello 8
hello 9
hello 8
Sub-process(es) done.

基本上我认为应该在每个print('check whether...')之后执行前8个pool.apply_async。释放2个步骤后,将打印8和9。并在最后打印支票。我所看到的似乎证明我错了,但我不知道代码序列的执行方式。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


第二,每次运行.apply_async()时,都会在不阻塞程序的情况下将一个任务添加到队列中,因此查看所有check ...是完全正常的,因为您实际上要检查的是是否将它们添加到队列中。

第三,启动一个过程要花一些时间,但是将任务添加到队列是瞬时的,这就是为什么在其余所有任务之前都看到所有check ...的原因。


def func(msg):
    for i in range(3):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=8)
    for i in range(10):
        msg = f"hello {i: >{i+1}}"
        pool.apply_async(func, (msg, ))
        print('check whether block' + str(i))
    print("Sub-process(es) done.")

check whether block0             # <- adding task 0 to the queue
check whether block1             # <- adding task 1 to the queue
check whether block2             # <- adding task 2 to the queue
check whether block3             # <- adding task 3 to the queue
check whether block4             # <- adding task 4 to the queue
check whether block5             # <- adding task 5 to the queue
check whether block6             # <- adding task 6 to the queue
check whether block7             # <- adding task 7 to the queue
check whether block8             # <- adding task 8 to the queue
check whether block9             # <- adding task 9 to the queue
check                            #  ALL TASKS ADDED TO THE QUEUE
hello 0                          # -> Process 0 has been created to do task 0
hello  1                         # -> Process 1 has been created to do task 1
hello   2                        # -> Process 2 has been created to do task 2
hello    3                       # -> Process 3 has been created to do task 3
hello     4                      # -> Process 4 has been created to do task 4
hello      5                     # -> Process 5 has been created to do task 5
hello       6                    # -> Process 6 has been created to do task 6
hello        7                   # -> Process 7 has been created to do task 7
hello 0                          # -> Task is partly done
hello        7                   # -> Task is partly done
hello      5                     # -> Task is partly done
hello     4                      # -> Task is partly done
hello    3                       # -> Task is partly done
hello       6                    # -> Task is partly done
hello   2                        # -> Task is partly done
hello  1                         # -> Task is partly done
hello        7                   # -> Task is done
hello 0                          # -> Task is done
hello      5                     # -> Task is done
hello       6                    # -> Task is done
hello   2                        # -> Task is done
hello     4                      # -> Task is done
hello  1                         # -> Task is done
hello    3                       # -> Task is done
hello         8                  # -> Process 0 has been given task 8
hello          9                 # -> Process 7 has been given task 9
hello         8                  # -> Task is partly done
hello          9                 # -> Task is partly done
hello         8                  # -> Task is done
hello          9                 # -> Task is done
Sub-process(es) done.            # EVERYTHING DONE

在第一个Check whether block{X}之后保留hello {X+1}可能是由于您控制台输出不同进程和刷新的速度。