OpenCV Error:输入参数的大小 在cvCvtColor文件中不匹配() /build/buildd-opencv_2.1.0-3-i386-PaiiLK/opencv-2.1.0/src/cv/cvcolor.cpp, 第2208行终止后调用 抛出一个实例 'CV ::异常'
targetImage-> width = 300, targetImage-> height = 300 cap-> width = 300,cap-> height = 300
即:大小相同。所以这是无稽之谈.. 想知道可能的解决方案吗?
printf("\ntargetImage->width =%d, targetImage->height =%d ",targetImage->width,targetImage->height );
cap = cvCreateImage(cvSize(targetImage->width,targetImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCvtColor(targetImage, cap, CV_BGR2GRAY);//HERE NO PROBLEM
CvRect xargetRect = cvRect(0,0,300,300);
subImage(targetImage, &showImg, xargetRect);
cap = cvCreateImage(cvSize(targetImage->width,targetImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
printf("\ntargetImage->width =%d, targetImage->height =%d ",targetImage->width,targetImage->height );
printf("\ncap->width =%d, cap->height =%d ",cap->width,cap->height );
cvCvtColor(targetImage, cap, CV_BGR2GRAY); //HERE THE PROBLEM
/// Modifies an already allocated image header to map
/// a subwindow inside another image.
inline void subImage(IplImage *dest, const IplImage *orig, const CvRect &r) {
dest->width = r.width;
dest->height = r.height;
dest->imageSize = r.height * orig->widthStep;
dest->imageData = orig->imageData + r.y * orig->widthStep + r.x * orig->nChannels;
dest->widthStep = orig->widthStep;
dest->roi = NULL;
dest->nSize = sizeof(IplImage);
dest->depth = orig->depth;
dest->nChannels = orig->nChannels;
dest->dataOrder = IPL_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您的问题中的错误消息表明您正在使用OpenCV 2.1。我在OpenCV 2.2中尝试了代码示例,它工作正常,您的subImage
似乎正在按预期工作。虽然CvRect &r
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
/// Modifies an already allocated image header to map
/// a subwindow inside another image.
inline void subImage(IplImage *dest, const IplImage *orig, const CvRect &r)
dest->width = r.width;
dest->height = r.height;
dest->imageSize = r.height * orig->widthStep;
dest->imageData = orig->imageData + r.y * orig->widthStep + r.x * orig->nChannels;
dest->widthStep = orig->widthStep;
dest->roi = NULL;
dest->nSize = sizeof(IplImage);
dest->depth = orig->depth;
dest->nChannels = orig->nChannels;
dest->dataOrder = IPL_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
IplImage targetImage;
IplImage* showImg = cvLoadImage("c:\\image11.bmp");
//printf("\ntargetImage->width =%d, targetImage->height =%d ", targetImage->width, targetImage->height );
//IplImage* cap = cvCreateImage(cvSize(targetImage->width, targetImage->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
//cvCvtColor(targetImage, cap, CV_BGR2GRAY);//HERE NO PROBLEM
CvRect xargetRect = cvRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
subImage(&targetImage, showImg, xargetRect);
IplImage* cap = cvCreateImage(cvSize(targetImage.width, targetImage.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
printf("\ntargetImage->width =%d, targetImage->height =%d ", targetImage.width, targetImage.height );
printf("\ncap->width =%d, cap->height =%d ", cap->width, cap->height );
cvCvtColor(&targetImage, cap, CV_BGR2GRAY); //HERE THE PROBLEM
int result = cvSaveImage("c:\\image11.output.bmp", &targetImage);
return 0;