function PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty(color, duration) {
this._definitionChanged = new Cesium.Event();
this._color = undefined;
this._colorSubscription = undefined;
this.color = color;
this.duration = duration;
this._time = (new Date()).getTime();
Cesium.defineProperties(PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty.prototype, {
isConstant: {
get: function () {
return false;
definitionChanged: {
get: function () {
return this._definitionChanged;
color: Cesium.createPropertyDescriptor('color')
PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty.prototype.getType = function (time) {
return 'PolylineTrailLink';
PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty.prototype.getValue = function (time, result) {
if (!Cesium.defined(result)) {
result = {};
result.color = Cesium.Property.getValueOrClonedDefault(this._color, time, Cesium.Color.WHITE, result.color);
result.image = Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkImage;
result.time = (((new Date()).getTime() - this._time) % this.duration) / this.duration;
return result;
PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty.prototype.equals = function (other) {
return this === other ||
(other instanceof PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty &&
Property.equals(this._color, other._color))
Cesium.PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty = PolylineTrailLinkMaterialProperty;
Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkType = 'PolylineTrailLink';
Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkImage = "./sampledata/images/colors1.png";
Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkSource = "czm_material czm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput)\n\
czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);\n\
vec2 st = materialInput.st;\n\
vec4 colorImage = texture2D(image, vec2(fract(st.s - time), st.t));\n\
material.alpha = colorImage.a * color.a;\n\
material.diffuse = (colorImage.rgb+color.rgb)/2.0;\n\
return material;\n\
Cesium.Material._materialCache.addMaterial(Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkType, {
fabric: {
type: Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkType,
uniforms: {
color: new Cesium.Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5),
image: Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkImage,
time: 0
source: Cesium.Material.PolylineTrailLinkSource
translucent: function (material) {
return true;
function parabolaEquation(options, resultOut) {
var h = options.height && options.height > 5000 ? options.height : 5000;
var L = Math.abs(options.pt1.lon - options.pt2.lon) > Math.abs(options.pt1.lat - options.pt2.lat) ? Math.abs(options.pt1.lon - options.pt2.lon) : Math.abs(options.pt1.lat - options.pt2.lat);
var num = options.num && options.num > 50 ? options.num : 50;
var result = [];
var dlt = L / num;
if (Math.abs(options.pt1.lon - options.pt2.lon) > Math.abs(options.pt1.lat - options.pt2.lat)) {
var delLat = (options.pt2.lat - options.pt1.lat) / num;
if (options.pt1.lon - options.pt2.lon > 0) {
dlt = -dlt;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
var tempH = h - Math.pow((-0.5 * L + Math.abs(dlt) * i), 2) * 4 * h / Math.pow(L, 2);
var lon = options.pt1.lon + dlt * i;
var lat = options.pt1.lat + delLat * i;
result.push([lon, lat, tempH]);
} else {
var delLon = (options.pt2.lon - options.pt1.lon) / num;
if (options.pt1.lat - options.pt2.lat > 0) {
dlt = -dlt;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
var tempH = h - Math.pow((-0.5 * L + Math.abs(dlt) * i), 2) * 4 * h / Math.pow(L, 2);
var lon = options.pt1.lon + delLon * i;
var lat = options.pt1.lat + dlt * i;
result.push([lon, lat, tempH]);
if (resultOut != undefined) {
resultOut = result;
return result;
var isAdd = false;
var material = null;
var center = { lon: 114.302312702, lat: 30.598026044 }viewer.entities.add({
name: 'PolylineTrailLink' + j,
polyline: {
positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(pointArr),
width: 2,
material: material
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sandcastle Demo-这是插值演示的修改版本,带有淡黄色的线条。
path : {
resolution : 1,
// ************************************************************
// This material uses a single stripe, turned sideways, to fade
// the color across a length of the line.
// ************************************************************
material : new Cesium.StripeMaterialProperty({
// The newest part of the line is bright yellow.
evenColor: Cesium.Color.YELLOW,
// The oldest part of the line is yellow with a low alpha value.
oddColor: Cesium.Color.YELLOW.withAlpha(0.1),
repeat: 1,
offset: 0.25,
orientation: Cesium.StripeOrientation.VERTICAL
leadTime: 0,
trailTime: 60 * 2,
width : 10