考虑一个排序问题,在该问题中我们不完全知道数字。相反,对于每个数字,我们知道它所属的实线上的间隔。也就是说,我们以[ a_i , b_i ]的形式给出 n 个闭合间隔,其中a_i <= b_i。我们希望对这些间隔进行 模糊排序 。 (Cormen,Leiserson,Rivest和Stein,2009年,第189页)
Demaine和Goldwasser(2004)阐明“没有间隔包含任何其他间隔”,或“如果a_i <= a_j,则b_i,b_j。”
def sort_fuzzy(intervals, p, s):
Given a list whose elements are 2-tuples that represent inclusive intervals,
sort it in place by partitioning it. Assume no interval completely contains
any other interval.
:param list intervals: An unsorted list of 2-tuples that represent a \
closed interval in which a fuzzy value lies.
:param int p: Starting index of the region to sort.
:param int s: Ending index of the region to sort.
if p < s:
x = find_intersection(intervals, p, s)
r = partition_fuzzy_right(intervals, p, s, x)
q = partition_fuzzy_left_middle(intervals, p, r, x)
sort_fuzzy(intervals, p, q - 1)
sort_fuzzy(intervals, r + 1, s)
def partition_fuzzy_right(intervals, p, s, x):
Given a list whose elements are 2-tuples that represent inclusive intervals,
partition it into three regions: p to r - 1, r, and r + 1 to s.
:param list intervals: An unsorted list of 2-tuples that represent a \
closed interval in which a fuzzy value lies.
:param int p: Starting index of the region to sort.
:param int s: Ending index of the region to sort.
:param tuple x: Intersection of intervals.
i = p - 1
for j in range(p, s):
if intervals[j][0] <= x[0]:
i += 1
intervals[i], intervals[j] = intervals[j], intervals[i]
intervals[i + 1], intervals[s] = intervals[s], intervals[i + 1]
return i + 1
def partition_fuzzy_left_middle(intervals, p, r, x):
Given a list whose elements are 2-tuples that represent inclusive intervals,
partition it into four regions: p to q - 1. q, q + 1 to r, and r + 1 to s.
:param list intervals: An unsorted list of 2-tuples that represent a \
closed interval in which a fuzzy value lies.
:param int p: Starting index of the region to sort.
:param int s: Ending index of the region to sort.
:param tuple x: Intersection of intervals.
i = p - 1
for j in range(p, r):
if intervals[j][1] < x[1]:
i += 1
intervals[i], intervals[j] = intervals[j], intervals[i]
intervals[i + 1], intervals[r] = intervals[r], intervals[i + 1]
return i + 1
def find_intersection(intervals, p, s):
Given a list whose elements are 2-tuples that represent inclusive intervals,
return the intersection of a pivot interval and the 2-tuples if one exists.
Otherwise, just return the pivot interval.
:param list intervals: An unsorted list of 2-tuples that represent a \
closed interval in which a fuzzy value lies.
:param int p: Starting index of the region to sort.
:param int s: Ending index of the region to sort.
x = intervals[s]
for i in range(p, s):
if intervals[i][0] <= x[1] and intervals[i][1] >= x[0]:
if intervals[i][0] > x[0]:
x = (intervals[i][0], x[1])
if intervals[i][1] < x[1]:
x = (x[0], intervals[i][1])
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
list = [(13, 20), (19, 21), (9, 11), (5, 7), (12, 16), (8, 10), (7, 9), (4, 6), (20, 24), (2, 2), (6, 8), (11, 15)]
sort_fuzzy(list, 0, len(list) - 1)
Cormen,T. H.,Leiserson,C.E.,Rivest,R.L.,&Stein,C.(2009年)。 算法简介(第三版)[ProQuest Ebook Central版本]。取自https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Demaine,E.和Goldwasser,S.(2004年2月24日)。习题2 [课堂讲义]。取自https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.046/spring04/handouts/ps2-sol.pdf
Lanman,D.R.(2006年3月13日)。 CS 157:作业3 [课堂讲义]。取自http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~dlanman/courses/cs157/HW3.pdf
答案 0 :(得分:1)
正如@tobias_k所指出的,我的问题是不了解问题或正确的解决方案是什么样的。关于正确的解决方案,Cormen等。 (2009年)说:“我们希望对这些区间进行模糊排序,即产生区间的置换,使得对于j = 1,2,...,n,存在满足c_1的c_j∈[a_i_j,b_i_j] <= c_2 <= ... <= c_n。”
因此,对于输入[(13, 20), (19, 21), (9, 11), (5, 7), (12, 16), (8, 10), (7, 9), (4, 6), (20, 24), (2, 2), (6, 8), (11, 15)]
,我的代码输出[(2, 2), (4, 6), (6, 8), (7, 9), (5, 7), (8, 10), (9, 11), (11, 15), (13, 20), (12, 16), (19, 21), (20, 24)]
, 是 是正确的解决方案。
您可以看到,就像Cormen等人一样。 (2009年)写道,如果间隔中的 any 数大于或等于间隔中的 any 数,则它可能正确地跟随了该间隔。换句话说,请考虑以下内容:
2 | 2 ∈ [2, 2] <= 4 | 4 ∈ [4, 6] <= 6 | 6 ∈ [6, 8] <= 7 | 7 ∈ [7, 9] <= 7 | 7 ∈ [5, 7] 8 | 8 ∈ <= [8, 10] <= 9 | 9 ∈ [9, 11] <= 11 | 11 ∈ [11, 15] <= 13 | 13 ∈ [13, 20] <= 13 | 13 ∈ [12, 16] <= 19 | 19 ∈ [19, 21] <= 20 | 20 ∈ [20, 24]
Cormen,T. H.,Leiserson,C.E.,Rivest,R.L.,&Stein,C.(2009年)。 算法简介(第三版)[ProQuest Ebook Central版本]。取自https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Lanman,D.R.(2006年3月13日)。 CS 157:作业3 [课堂讲义]。取自http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~dlanman/courses/cs157/HW3.pdf
答案 1 :(得分:0)