
时间:2019-02-19 23:24:19

标签: unity3d


我想将单列网格(1x6)附加到玩家移动的垂直GameObject(例如剑)上。这个想法是要创建一个2D Connect-three游戏,其中从上方掉落的对象从下往上以堆叠的方式捕捉到网格上。









如果有帮助,我从Youtube用户“ doppelgunner”那里获得的网格代码为:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Sword_Grid_Script : MonoBehaviour

 //grid specifics
 private int rows;
 private int cols;
 private Vector2 gridSize;
 private Vector2 gridOffset;

 //about cells
 private Sprite cellSprite;
 private Vector2 cellSize;
 private Vector2 cellScale;

 void Start()
     InitCells(); //Initialize all cells

 void InitCells()
     GameObject cellObject = new GameObject();

     //creates an empty object and adds a sprite renderer component -> set the sprite to cellSprite
     cellObject.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = cellSprite;

     //catch the size of the sprite
     cellSize = cellSprite.bounds.size;

     //get the new cell size -> adjust the size of the cells to fit the size of the grid
     Vector2 newCellSize = new Vector2(gridSize.x / (float)cols, gridSize.y / (float)rows);

     //Get the scales so you can scale the cells and change their size to fit the grid
     cellScale.x = newCellSize.x / cellSize.x;
     cellScale.y = newCellSize.y / cellSize.y;

     cellSize = newCellSize; //the size will be replaced by the new computed size, we just used cellSize for computing the scale

     cellObject.transform.localScale = new Vector2(cellScale.x, cellScale.y);

     //fix the cells to the grid by getting the half of the grid and cells add and minus experiment
     gridOffset.x = -(gridSize.x / 2) + cellSize.x / 2;
     gridOffset.y = -(gridSize.y / 2) + cellSize.y / 2;

     //fill the grid with cells by using Instantiate
     for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
             //add the cell size so that no two cells will have the same x and y position
             Vector2 pos = new Vector2(col * cellSize.x + gridOffset.x + transform.position.x, row * cellSize.y + gridOffset.y + transform.position.y);

             //instantiate the game object, at position pos, with rotation set to identity
             GameObject cO = Instantiate(cellObject, pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

             //set the parent of the cell to GRID so you can move the cells together with the grid;
             cO.transform.parent = transform;

     //destroy the object used to instantiate the cells

 //so you can see the width and height of the grid on editor
 void OnDrawGizmos()
     Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, gridSize);


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