使用 IMetadataImport 时,如何从*.winmd
一个很好的例子是 ApplicationHighContrastAdjustment 枚举:
//Windows.UI.Xaml.ApplicationContrastMode (@020000006)
public enum ApplicationHighContrastAdjustment : uint
None = 0u,
Auto = 4294967295u
大多数枚举为0, 1, 2, ...
如何阅读以获取那些 UInt32 值
注意:该问题不必仅适用于WinRT。 C#世界中使用相同的接口来检查.NET托管程序集。 WinRT恰好使用相同的汇编文件格式。
如何启动并运行读取winmd元数据文件的abridged version:
// Create your metadata dispenser:
IMetadataDispsener dispener;
MetaDataGetDispenser(CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser, IMetaDataDispenser, out dispenser);
//Open the winmd file we want to dump
String filename = "C:\Windows\System32\WinMetadata\Windows.UI.Xaml.winmd";
IMetaDataImport reader; //IMetadataImport2 supports generics
dispenser.OpenScope(filename, ofRead, IMetaDataImport, out reader); //"Import" is used to read metadata. "Emit" is used to write metadata.
//Get metadata for enum Windows.UI.Xaml.ApplicationHighContrastAdjustment
mdToken tokenID = 0x02000006; //Windows.UI.Xaml.ApplicationHighContrastAdjustment
//btw, this is all hypothetical code that is vaguely C#/Java-like.
Pointer enum = null;
mdToken memberID;
int nCount;
while (reader.EnumMembers(ref enum, tokenID, out memberID, 1, out nCount) == S_OK)
//out MemberID receives the TokenID of each member of the enumeration
我们实际上是通过调用 GetMemberProps 来找出他们的名字的(而且这个名字是私人的):
IMetaDataImporter.GetMemberProps(0x0400043A, ...); //"None"
IMetaDataImporter.GetMemberProps(0x0400043B, ...); //"Auto"
这是一个简单的辅助方法:如果 md 是MethodDef,则我们调用 GetMethodProps ;如果 md 是FieldDef,则我们称为 GetFieldProps 。有关详细信息,请参见这些其他方法。
GetMemberProps 方法返回有关每个枚举值的全部信息-但不返回其实际枚举 value :
| Metadata | @0400043A | @0400043B |
| Name | "None" | "Auto" |
| Attributes | 0x00008056 | 0x00008056 |
| Signature | 06 11 A3 95 | 06 11 A3 95 |
| CodeRVA | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 |
| DefaultValue | (none) | (none) |
我在成员属性中找不到任何指示该枚举分配值的内容。并查看其他 IMetadataImporter 方法:
答案 0 :(得分:0)
给出我想要值的枚举成员的 tokenID :
@0400043B = Windows.UI.Xaml.ApplicationHighContrastMode.Auto
您需要遍历 Constant 表(0x0B
),并找到 Parent 列(columnIndex = 1)所在的位置。
Rid Type (iBYTE) Parent (iCodedToken) Value (iBLOB)
=== =================== ==================== ===============
1 ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 (8) @04000002 00 00 00 00
2 ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 (8) @04000003 01 00 00 00
3 ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 (8) @04000005 00 00 00 00
883 ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 (8) @0400040A 02 00 00 00
884 ELEMENT_TYPE_U4 (9) @0400043A 00 00 00 00
885 ELEMENT_TYPE_U4 (9) @0400043B FF FF FF FF
886 ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 (8) @0400043D 00 00 00 00
开始,您需要使用 QueryInterface 作为其IMetadataTables
//Get the tables interface
IMetadataTables tables = reader as IMetadataImporter;
//get the number of rows in the Constant (11) table
UInt32 tabConstant = 11; //the "Constant" table
UInt32 rowSize;
UInt32 rowCount;
UInt32 columnCount;
UInt32 keyColumn;
String tableName;
out rowSize,
out rowCount,
out columnCount,
out keyColumn,
out tableName);
//Loop over ever row in the Constants table
//and look for Parent (columnIndex=1) is the parent we want
//all code released into the public domain; no attribution required
UInt32 desiredToken = 0x0400043B;
UInt32 colParent = 1; // Parent (iCodedToken)
UInt32 colValue = 2; // Value (iBLOB)
for (int i = 0 to rowCount-1)
//Get the Parent codedToken of this row
UInt32 value;
tables.GetColumn(tabConstant, colParent, i, outvalue);
// Is it the parent we're interested in (i.e. @0400043A)
if (value != desiredToken)
// We found it! Get the value from the "Value" (iBLOB) column 2
tables.GetColumn(tabConstant, colValue, i, out value);
//Convert blob UInt32 to a pointer to data
UInt32 dataLen;
Pointer data;
tables.GetBlob(value, out dataLen, out dataLen, out data);
//Convert the dataLen bytes pointed to by data to a UInt32
UInt32 enumValue = PUInt32(data)^;
return enumValue;