
时间:2019-02-15 11:13:43

标签: c++ c++14 template-meta-programming sfinae



(顺便说一句,其动机是希望(在编译时,作为一个更大的问题的一部分)增加对将二进制和十六进制文字映射到std::array<unsigned char, N>的支持,除了填充不是字节的倍数的东西)。


// Thingy operates on N*4 chars - if that's not met use inheritance to 0 pad until it is met.
template<char ...Args>
struct thingy : thingy<0, Args...> {
    // All we do here is recursively add one more 0 via inheritance until the N*4 rule is met

// This specialisation does the real work, N=1 case only
template<char a, char b, char c, char d>
struct thingy<a,b,c,d> {
    enum { value = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d }; 

// This handles chunking the N*4 things into N cases of work. Does work along the way, only allowed for exact N*4 after padding has happened.
template <char a, char b, char c, char d, char ...Args>
struct thingy<a,b,c,d,Args...> : thingy<a,b,c,d> {
    static_assert(sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0); // PROBLEM: this is a we're a better match than the template that pads things, how do we stop that?
    // Do something with the value we just got and/or the tail as needed
    typedef thingy<a,b,c,d> head;
    typedef thingy<Args...> tail;

int main() {
    thingy<1,1,1,1,1>(); // This should be equivalent to writing thingy<0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1>()


所以我环顾四周,发现了一些相同问题for a function的示例,但据我所知,这两个都不适用。


template <char a, char b, char c, char d, typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0, char>::type ...Args>
struct thingy<a,b,c,d,Args...> : thingy<a,b,c,d> {
    // ...



template <char a, char b, char c, char d, char ...Args, typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0, int>::type=0>
struct thingy<a,b,c,d,Args...> : thingy<a,b,c,d> {
    // ...


pad_params_try3.cc:17:8: error: default template arguments may not be used in partial specializations


template <char a, char b, char c, char d, char ...Args>
struct thingy<a,b,c,d,Args...> : std::enable_if<sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0, thingy<a,b,c,d>>::type {
    // ...


pad_params_try4.cc:17:8: error: no type named 'type' in 'struct std::enable_if<false, thingy<'\001', '\001', '\001', '\001'> >'
 struct thingy<a,b,c,d,Args...> : std::enable_if<sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0, thingy<a,b,c,d>>::type {
pad_params_try4.cc:18:5: error: static assertion failed
     static_assert(sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0);

据我能从阅读更多this might even be considered a defect中看出来的信息,但这对我目前的帮助不大。

如何使用C ++ 14 gcc 6.x中的功能解决此问题?是否有比完全回到绘图板更简单的选择?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


// This handles chunking the N*4 things into N cases of work. Does work along the way, only allowed for exact N*4 after padding has happened.
template <char a, char b, char c, char d, char... Args>
struct thingy_impl : thingy_impl<a, b, c, d>, thingy_impl<Args...> {
    static_assert(sizeof...(Args) % 4 == 0);
    // Do something with the value we just got and/or the tail as needed
    typedef thingy_impl<a,b,c,d> head;
    typedef thingy_impl<Args...> tail;

template<char a, char b, char c, char d>
struct thingy_impl<a,b,c,d> {
    enum { value = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d }; 

template<int REMAINDER, char... Args>
struct padding;

template<char... Args>
struct padding<0,Args...> { using type = thingy_impl<Args...>; };

template<char... Args>
struct padding<1,Args...> { using type = thingy_impl<0,0,0,Args...>; };

template<char... Args>
struct padding<2,Args...> { using type = thingy_impl<0,0,Args...>; };

template<char... Args>
struct padding<3,Args...> { using type = thingy_impl<0,Args...>; };

template<char... Args>
struct thingy : padding<sizeof...(Args) % 4, Args...>::type { };

int main() {
    thingy<1,1,1,1,1>(); // This should be equivalent to writing thingy<0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1>()

Demo, with a diagnostic output.

答案 1 :(得分:2)

首先,这是C ++ 17中的一个简单解决方案,它使用递归if constexpr辅助函数为您填充:

template<char ... Args>
auto getThingyPadded()
    if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) % 4 != 0)
        return getThingyPadded<0, Args...>();
        return thingy<Args...>{};

要制作此C ++ 14,我们需要使用SFINAE而不是if constexpr。我们可以添加一个为我们计算sizeof...(Args)的呼叫来规避您所描述的问题:

template<bool B, class U = void>
using enableIfT = typename std::enable_if<B, U>::type;

template<std::size_t N, enableIfT<(N % 4 == 0)>* = nullptr, char ... Args>
auto getThingyPaddedHelper()
    return thingy<Args...>{};

template<std::size_t N, enableIfT<(N % 4 != 0)>* = nullptr, char ... Args>
auto getThingyPaddedHelper()
    return getThingyPaddedHelper<N+1, nullptr, 0, Args...>();

template<char ... Args>
auto getThingyPadded()
    return getThingyPaddedHelper<sizeof...(Args), nullptr, Args...>();


答案 2 :(得分:1)


// No variadic here
template <char a, char b, char c, char d>
struct thingy {
    enum { value = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d }; 

template <typename Seq, char... Cs>
struct thingies_impl;

template <std::size_t ...Is, char... Cs>
struct thingies_impl<std::index_sequence<Is...>, Cs...>
    static constexpr char get(std::size_t n)
        constexpr char cs[] = {Cs...};
        constexpr std::size_t paddingSize = (4 - (sizeof...(Cs) % 4)) % 4;
        return (n < paddingSize) ? '\0' : cs[n - paddingSize];

    using type = std::tuple<thingy<get(4 * Is),
                                   get(4 * Is + 1),
                                   get(4 * Is + 2),
                                   get(4 * Is + 3)>...>;  

template <char... Cs>
using thingies = thingies_impl<std::make_index_sequence<(sizeof...(Cs) + 3) / 4>, Cs...>;


答案 3 :(得分:0)


#include <utility>

template <char a, char b, char c, char d, char ... Args>
struct t_base : public t_base<Args...>
   typedef t_base<a,b,c,d> head;
   typedef t_base<Args...> tail;

template <char a, char b, char c, char d>
struct t_base<a, b, c, d>
 { enum { value = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d }; };

template <typename, typename>
struct t_helper;

template <std::size_t ... Is, char ... Cs>
struct t_helper<std::index_sequence<Is...>,
                std::integer_sequence<char, Cs...>>
   : public t_base<(Is, '0')..., Cs...>
 { };

template <char ... Cs>
struct thingy :
   public t_helper<std::make_index_sequence<(4u - sizeof...(Cs) % 4u) % 4u>,
                   std::integer_sequence<char, Cs...>>
 { };

int main ()