我在下面编写了一个基准,以生成两个列表的叉积。 z3是否具有某种最大递归边界?由于某种原因,它可能会针对大小为1的列表,而不是大小为2的列表。或者我在形式化过程中某个地方犯了错误?
(declare-datatypes ((MyList 1)) ((par (T) ((cons (head T) (tail (MyList T))) (nil)))))
(declare-datatypes (T2) ((Pair (pair (first T2) (second T2)))))
; list functions for lists of ints
(define-fun prepend ( (val (Pair Int)) (l (MyList (Pair Int))) ) (MyList (Pair Int)) (cons val l))
(declare-fun get ( (MyList Int) Int ) Int)
(assert (forall ( (h Int) (t (MyList Int)) (i Int) )
(ite (<= i 0)
(= (get (cons h t) i) h)
(= (get (cons h t) i) (get t (- i 1))))))
(declare-fun list_length ( (MyList Int) ) Int)
(assert (= (list_length (as nil (MyList Int))) 0))
(assert (forall ( (val Int) (l (MyList Int)) )
(= (list_length (cons val l)) (+ 1 (list_length l)))))
(declare-fun tail ( (MyList Int) Int ) (MyList Int))
(assert (forall ( (start Int) (h Int) (t (MyList Int)) )
(ite (<= start 0)
(= (tail (cons h t) start) (cons h t))
(= (tail (cons h t) start) (tail t (- start 1))))))
(assert (forall ( (start Int) )
(= (tail (as nil (MyList Int)) start) (as nil (MyList Int)))))
; same list functions but for lists of int pairs --
; would be great if there is a way to avoid redefining all these again :(
(declare-fun list_get_pair ( (MyList (Pair Int)) Int ) (Pair Int))
(assert (forall ( (h (Pair Int)) (t (MyList (Pair Int))) (i Int) )
(ite (<= i 0)
(= (list_get_pair (cons h t) i) h)
(= (list_get_pair (cons h t) i) (list_get_pair t (- i 1))))))
(declare-fun list_length_pair ( (MyList (Pair Int)) ) Int)
(assert (= (list_length_pair (as nil (MyList (Pair Int)))) 0))
(assert (forall ( (val (Pair Int)) (l (MyList (Pair Int))) )
(= (list_length_pair (cons val l)) (+ 1 (list_length_pair l)))))
(declare-fun tail_pair ( (MyList (Pair Int)) Int ) (MyList (Pair Int)))
(assert (forall ( (start Int) (h (Pair Int)) (t (MyList (Pair Int))) )
(ite (<= start 0)
(= (tail_pair (cons h t) start) (cons h t))
(= (tail_pair (cons h t) start) (tail_pair t (- start 1))))))
(assert (forall ( (start Int) )
(= (tail_pair (as nil (MyList (Pair Int))) start) (as nil (MyList (Pair Int))))))
(declare-fun concat ( (MyList (Pair Int)) (MyList (Pair Int)) ) (MyList (Pair Int)))
(assert (forall ((xs (MyList (Pair Int))) (ys (MyList (Pair Int))))
(ite (= (as nil (MyList (Pair Int))) xs)
(= (concat xs ys) ys)
(= (concat xs ys) (prepend (list_get_pair xs 0) (concat (tail_pair xs 1) ys))))))
(assert (forall ((xs (MyList (Pair Int))) (ys (MyList (Pair Int))))
(=> (= (as nil (MyList (Pair Int))) ys)
(= (concat xs ys) xs))))
; two functions defined using recursive construct
(cross_helper ((i Int) (ys (MyList Int))) (MyList (Pair Int)))
(cross ((xs (MyList Int)) (ys (MyList Int))) (MyList (Pair Int)))
; cross_helper - given e and [a, b, c] return [(e,a), (e,b), (e,c)]
(ite (= ys (as nil (MyList Int))) (as nil (MyList (Pair Int)))
(prepend (pair i (get ys 0)) (cross_helper i (tail ys 1))))
; cross - given [a, b] and [c, d] return [(a,c), (a,d), (b,c) (b,d)]
(ite (= xs (as nil (MyList Int))) (as nil (MyList (Pair Int)))
(concat (cross_helper (get xs 0) ys) (cross (tail xs 1) ys)))
(declare-const in1 (MyList Int)) (declare-const in2 (MyList Int))
(declare-const i Int) (declare-const j Int)
(declare-const in11 Int) (declare-const in12 Int)
(declare-const in21 Int) (declare-const in22 Int)
; this works
; cross([in11], [in21, in22]) = ([in11, in21], [in11, in22])
(assert (= in1 (cons in11 (as nil (MyList Int)))))
(assert (= in2 (cons in21 (cons in22 (as nil (MyList Int))))))
(assert (not (= (cross in1 in2) (cons (pair in11 in21) (cons (pair in11 in22)
(as nil (MyList (Pair Int))))))))
(check-sat) (pop)
; but this doesn't work
; cross([in11, in12], [in21, in22]) = ([in11, in21], [in11, in22], [in12, in21], [in12, in22])
(assert (= in1 (cons in11 (cons in22 (as nil (MyList Int))))))
(assert (= in2 (cons in21 (cons in22 (as nil (MyList Int))))))
(assert (not (= (cross in1 in2) (cons (pair in11 in21) (cons (pair in11 in22)
(cons (pair in12 in21) (cons (pair in12 in22)
(as nil (MyList (Pair Int))))))))))
(check-sat) (pop)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
通常,当您具有递归函数时,它会引发一组量化的公理。 (您可以在http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf的第63页中找到译文。)因此,您实际上可以将其视为“函数”,是编写大量量化公理的捷径。
请注意,您也有自己的量化公理,所有这些约束汇集在一起,求解器开始工作。不幸的是,这使得逻辑无法确定。意味着没有决策程序。 (决策过程始终是正确终止和正确回答的过程。)从理论上讲,这意味着它始终可以找到“证明”(如果最终存在),但如果某些事情不正确,则可以无限期地循环。但是,实际上,这通常意味着它在两种情况下循环的时间都足够长,以至于您的耐心或计算机的内存将首先耗尽。
长话短说,SMT求解器不适用于量词的推理。递归定义意味着量化。它们的功能不仅有理论上的限制,而且在可用性,性能和诚实的投资回报上都有实际的考虑:如果您要推理递归函数和递归数据类型,则SMT求解器无疑是不合适的工具。而是使用定理证明者,例如HOL,Isabelle,Coq,Agda,Lean;等设计用于此类结构。 (大多数工具都可以代表您自动调用SMT求解器,以简化目标;因此,您可以两全其美。)
我希望这个解释清楚。经验法则是,关于递归函数的推理需要归纳,而归纳证明则需要发明必要的不变量。 SMT求解器无法为您提供所需的不变式,即使您愿意提供它们,也不能让您指定这些不变式。但是定理证明者可以帮助您陈述和证明这些不变式。并且应优先用于此类问题。