Robot Framework中的SudsLibrary:获取和设置对象属性

时间:2019-02-08 17:21:52

标签: soap robotframework suds

我正在使用SudsLibrary for Robot Framework。以下是我正在测试的Web服务的Rq / Rs。您还将找到Robot Framework信息以及我对发生的事情的评论。


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sec="http://localhost/ABC/Services/Security/">


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
      <AuthUserResponse xmlns="http://localhost/ABC/Services/Security/">
*** Settings ***
Library  SudsLibrary

*** Test Case ***
Check App Auth Ticket
    Create Soap Client    http://localhost/Services/Authentication.asmx?wsdl
    ${WSDLobj}    Create Wsdl Object    AuthUser
    Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${WSDLobj}    userName    MyAdmin
    Set Wsdl Object Attribute    ${WSDLobj}    password    Password123
    ${result}    Call Soap Method    AuthUser    ${WSDLobj}
    log    Result: ${result}
    # Now get the specific element from the response
    ${AuthVal}    Get Wsdl Object Attribute    ${result}    AuthTicket
    log    Auth Ticket: ${AuthVal}

在我的测试用例Check App Auth Ticket中,一切都成功了,直到我调用SudsLibrary Get Wsdl Object Attribute关键字为止。发生以下错误:ValueError: Object must be a WSDL object (suds.sudsobject.Object)。为什么创建对象并成功调用该对象时会出现错误?


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