$SOURCE = "F:\In"
$TARGET = "F:\parsed"
#$TARGET_CSG = "\\di-dev\HL7In\"
#$TARGET = "J:"
$DB_NAME = "processing_center"
$SP_NAME = "sp_parser"
#$SP_NAME = "feedParser"
$fileLimit = 12
$errorFolder = "F:\hl7_ERR"
$DirNameStart= '20180901' #directory to start on
$filter = '*.txt'
$batch_size = 10
$global:fileNames = @{}
$global:folderCache = @()
$global:inserts = @()
$global:fileContents = @()
$global:starttime = (Get-Date)
$global:currentTime = (Get-Date)
$global:counter = 0
function insertRows() {
$insertCommand = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$ofs = ',' # after this all casts work this way until $ofs changes!
$insertCommand.CommandText = 'INSERT INTO msggrp (filename,msgStr) VALUES ' + $global:inserts
$insertCommand.Prepare | Out-Null
for($i = 0; $i -lt $global:fileContents.Count; $i++) {
$filesCounter = $i + 1
$insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileName$filesCounter", $global:fileNames["$filesCounter"]) | Out-Null
$insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileContent$filesCounter", $global:fileContents[$i]) | Out-Null
$iRowsAffected = $insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
$procCommand = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$procCommand.CommandText = "CALL $DB_NAME.$SP_NAME()"
$dataAdapter = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter ($procCommand)
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$recordCount = $dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet,"data")
foreach ($Row in $dataset.Tables.Rows) {
$rowId = $Row.id
$fileName = $global:fileNames["$rowId"]
if ($fileName) {
$inCSG = $Row.inCSG
$folder = $global:folderCache[$rowId - 1]
#regenerate the source path
$fromPath = Join-Path $SOURCE $folder
$fromPath = Join-Path $fromPath $fileName
$toDir = Join-Path $TARGET $folder
if (!([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($toDir))) {
$toPath = Join-Path $toDir $fileName
Move-Item -LiteralPath "$fromPath" -destination "$toPath" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
#remove the file info from the cache
else {
Write-Host "Can't find ID $rowId in cache!"
#re-init the global file arrays
$global:inserts = @()
$global:folderCache = @()
$global:fileContents = @()
#make sure folderCache we handled all of our cached files
if ($global:fileNames.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "There were unhandled files after bulk processing:"
Write-Host $global:fileNames
$global:fileNames = @{}
function processFile($filePath) {
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($filePath)
$filePath1 =$filePath.Replace("[","?")
$filePath1 =$filePath1.Replace("]","?")
$dirName = $filePath.Split("\")[-2]
$fileContent = Get-Content -Raw $filePath1
try {
if ($global:inserts.length -eq $batch_size -or $global:counter -eq $fileLimit) {
$filesCounter = $global:inserts.length + 1
$global:inserts += "(@fileName$filesCounter, @fileContent$filesCounter)"
$global:fileNames.add("$filesCounter", $fileName)
$global:fileContents += $fileContent
$global:folderCache += $dirName
if ($global:counter -eq $fileLimit -and $global:inserts.length -eq 0) {
$filewatcher = Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier FileCreated -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($filewatcher) {
Write-Host "File limit reached. Unregistering file watcher."
try {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier FileCreated
catch {
Write-Host "Couldn't unregister the file watcher!"
break loop
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
Write-Host "Something went wrong locally: $ErrorMessage"
Write-Log $_
$folders = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateDirectories($SOURCE)
:loop foreach ($folder in $folders) { #ForEach-Object
$dirNameTop = $folder.Split("\")[-1]
if($dirNameTop -ge $dirNameStart) #only process directories greater than or equal to $dirNameStart
$files = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($folder,"*.txt")
foreach ($file in $files)
else {
Write-Host "Skipped $dirNameTop because it is before $dirNameStart."
if ($global:counter -lt $fileLimit) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Listening for more files."
Write-Host "To stop processing new files, issue command: 'Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier FileCreated'"
#THIS IS THE FileSystemWatcher CODE:*******************************
$fsw = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $SOURCE, $filter -Property @{
IncludeSubdirectories = $true
NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite'
$onCreated = Register-ObjectEvent $fsw Created -SourceIdentifier FileCreated -Action {
if ($global:counter -lt $fileLimit) {
$path = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
$dirpath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path)
$parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($dirpath)
$name = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
$changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
$timeStamp = $Event.TimeGenerated
Write-Host "The file '$name' was $changeType at $timeStamp"
if($parent -ge $dirNameStart) {
$files = [IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($dirpath,"*.txt")
foreach ($file in $files)
else {
Write-Host "Ignoring $name because it was added to $parent, which is before $dirNameStart."