
时间:2017-08-22 14:40:30

标签: powershell filesystemwatcher

我有一个基于powershell的文件转换解决方案,包含filesystemwatcher和powershell noexit。我遇到的问题是事件不会在一段时间后触发(我不知道什么时候停止,我只是从生产中接到一个电话),我不知道为什么会这样。 问题基本上是我/如何检查现有活动事件观察者的健康状况。我首先尝试添加控件,如果事件对象存在,这样我就可以每天执行几次powershell脚本,但很快就发现它是powershell会话绑定的,我无法从新的PowerShell会话中获取它。

这是解决方案的基本结构。 (匿名,所以函数等重命名了一点,工作负载逻辑被剥离了,并且在它所说的'...'的地方它不是语法错误)

powershell.exe -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -inputformat none -File C:\ | ... | .ps1 WINDOWSTARTUP =“hidden”WAITFORINPUT =“NO”DOS =“YES”

function Test-FileLock {
      param ([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Path)

  $oFile = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $Path

  if ((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $false)
    return $false

      $oStream = $oFile.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None)
      if ($oStream)
    # file is locked by a process.
    return $true

function ConvertType1($sourceFile, $custno, $destFile)
          $result = "-1" 
            try {                             

                $OFS = "`r`n"

                $data = ""

                $data += "..." 
                $data += $OFS + "`tType=""...""" 
                # |...|

                $data | Out-File $destFile
                $result = "Done"
                Write-Host $result
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName 
                $result = "ConvertType1: " + $ErrorMessage + " - " + $FailedItem
                Write-Host $result

            return $result         

function ConvertType2($sourceFile, $custno, $destFile)
          $result = "-1" 
            try {                             

                $OFS = "`r`n"

                $data = ""

                $data += "..." 
                $data += $OFS + "`tType=""...""" 
                # |...|

                $data | Out-File $destFile
                $result = "Done"
                Write-Host $result
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName 
                $result = "ConvertType2: " + $ErrorMessage + " - " + $FailedItem
                Write-Host $result

            return $result         

#$devTest = $true
$devTest = $false

if ($devTest)
    $logfile = "....LOG" 
    $monitorFolder = '\\..._transformation\Development\Test\In' # Enter the root path you want to monitor.
    $destinationFolder = '\\..._transformation\Development\Test\Out' # Enter the root path you want to monitor.
    $filter = '*.*'  # You can enter a wildcard filter here.
    $logfile = ".....LOG" 
    $monitorFolder = '\\..._transformation\In' # Enter the root path you want to monitor.
    $destinationFolder = '\\..._transformation\Out' # Enter the root path you want to monitor.
    $filter = '*.*'  # You can enter a wildcard filter here.

$fsw = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $monitorFolder, $filter -Property @{IncludeSubdirectories = $false;NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite'}

#Check if eventsubcriber already exists, if it does just terminate script. This way we can schedule this script continously to make sure we always have the watcher in place
#Added note: This does not work because the events are per session and we won't be able to see events from previous sessions. 
    if(Get-EventSubscriber | Where-Object -Property SourceIdentifier -eq "devTest_...FileCreated") {
    Register-ObjectEvent $fsw Created -SourceIdentifier devTest_...FileCreated -Action {
    $sourceFilename = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
    $sourcePathFilename = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
    $sourcePath = split-path $sourcePathFilename
    $changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
    $timeStamp = $Event.TimeGenerated
    $destinationFile  = (join-path $destinationFolder  ([system.io.fileinfo]$sourceFilename).BaseName) + ".wli" 
    Write-Host "$logTime - The file '$sourcePathFilename' was $changeType at $timeStamp" -fore green
    try {
            $logTime = (Get-Date -format (Get-culture).DateTimeFormat.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern) 
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' was $changeType at $timeStamp"

    do {
        sleep -seconds 1
        $fileLockTest = Test-FileLock $sourcePathFilename        
    } while ($fileLockTest)

      switch ($sourceFilename.ToLower()) 
      {($_ -like "*hire*") -or ($_ -like "*change*")} { $result = ConvertType1 $sourcePathFilename 123456 $destinationFile  } 
      {($_ -like "*termination*") -or ($_ -like "*...*")} { $result = ConvertType2 $sourcePathFilename 123456 $destinationFile  } 

            default {$result = "Error. File name is not recognized. File name must |...|"}

            Write-Host "$logTime - Transformation of file '$sourceFilename': $result"
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - Transformation of file '$sourceFilename': $result"
            Move-Item $sourcePathFilename (join-path $sourcePath "Backup")  -force
            $logTime = (Get-Date -format (Get-culture).DateTimeFormat.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern) 
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName 
            Move-Item $sourcePathFilename (join-path $sourcePath "Error")  -force
            Write-Host "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' encountered an error during transformation. The error message was $ErrorMessage"  -fore red
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' encountered an error during transformation. The error message was $ErrorMessage"
if(Get-EventSubscriber | Where-Object -Property SourceIdentifier -eq "...FileCreated") {
    Register-ObjectEvent $fsw Created -SourceIdentifier ...FileCreated -Action {
    $sourceFilename = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
    $sourcePathFilename = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
    $sourcePath = split-path $sourcePathFilename
    $changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
    $timeStamp = $Event.TimeGenerated
    $destinationFile  = (join-path $destinationFolder  ([system.io.fileinfo]$sourceFilename).BaseName) + ".wli" 
    Write-Host "$logTime - The file '$sourcePathFilename' was $changeType at $timeStamp" -fore green
    try {
            $logTime = (Get-Date -format (Get-culture).DateTimeFormat.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern) 
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' was $changeType at $timeStamp"

    do {
        sleep -seconds 1
        $fileLockTest = Test-FileLock $sourcePathFilename        
    } while ($fileLockTest)

      switch ($sourceFilename.ToLower()) 
      {($_ -like "*hire*") -or ($_ -like "*change*")} { $result = ConvertType1 $sourcePathFilename 123456 $destinationFile  } 
      {($_ -like "*termination*") -or ($_ -like "*...*")} { $result = ConvertType2 $sourcePathFilename 123456 $destinationFile  } 

            default {$result = "Error. File name is not recognized. File name must include information about type of file |...|"}

            Write-Host "$logTime - Transformation of file '$sourceFilename': $result"
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - Transformation of file '$sourceFilename': $result"
            Move-Item $sourcePathFilename (join-path $sourcePath "Backup")  -force
            $logTime = (Get-Date -format (Get-culture).DateTimeFormat.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern) 
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName 
            Move-Item $sourcePathFilename (join-path $sourcePath "Error")  -force
            Write-Host "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' encountered an error during transformation. The error message was $ErrorMessage"  -fore red
            Out-File -FilePath $logfile -Append -InputObject "$logTime - The file '$sourceFilename' encountered an error during transformation. The error message was $ErrorMessage"

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