
时间:2012-09-07 13:45:50

标签: powershell powershell-v2.0 filesystemwatcher


问题是如果你执行它运行的脚本并监视文件夹的更改但是一旦脚本停止(到执行结束),就不再监视该文件夹。 我试图将所有内容放在do while循环中,但这似乎不起作用。

PowerShellPack Install

Import-Module -Name FileSystem

$TempCopyFolder = "c:\test"
$PatchStorage = "c:\testpatch"

Start-FileSystemWatcher -File $TempCopyFolder  -Do {   
    $SearchPath = $File
    $PatchesPath = $PatchStorage
    $NewFolderFullPath = "$($eventArgs.FullPath)"
    $NewFolderName = "$($eventArgs.Name)"
    $PathToCheck = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"

    #Check if it is a filde or folder 
    switch ($ObjectType) 
           {{((Test-Path $NewFolderFullPath -PathType Container) -eq $true)}{$ObjectType = 1;break}
           {((Test-Path  $NewFolderFullPath -PathType Leaf) -eq $true)}{$ObjectType = 2;break}} 

    # Its a folder so lets check if we have a folder in the $PatchesPath already
    IF($ObjectType -eq 1){
       IF(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $PathToCheck -EA 0))
            sleep -Seconds 3

            #Make a new directory where we store the patches
              New-item -Path $PatchesPath -Name $NewFolderName -ItemType directory

            #Make a folde in the folder for TC1
            $TcFolder=$NewFolderName + '_1'
            $NewPatchesPath = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"

            New-item -path $NewPatchesPath -Name $TcFolder -ItemType directory

            $CopySrc = $NewFolderFullPath
            $CopyDes = "$NewPatchesPath\$TcFolder"


       # There is a folder there so lets get the next number

            $HighNumber = Get-ChildItem -Path $PathToCheck | select -Last 1


            $NewNumber = [int](Select-String -InputObject $HighNumber.Name -Pattern "(\d\d|\d)" | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } )+1
            $TcFolder= $NewFolderName + '_' + $NewNumber

            $NewPatchesPath = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"

            $CopySrc = $NewFolderFullPath
            $CopyDes = "$NewPatchesPath\$TcFolder"

         #Lets copy the files to their new home now that we know where every thing goes 

         $robocopy = "robocopy.exe"
         $arguments = '''' + $CopySrc + '''' +' '+ ''''+ $CopyDes + '''' + '/E'

         Invoke-Expression  -Command "$robocopy $arguments"

         Do {sleep -Seconds 1;$p = Get-Process "robo*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
             While($p -ne $null)

        #Now lets check every thing copyed 

        $RefObj = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $NewFolderFullPath -Recurse
        $DifObj = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $CopyDes -Recurse

        IF(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $RefObj -DifferenceObject $DifObj)
           {write-host "Fail"}
        Else{# Now lets delete the source

             Remove-Item -LiteralPath $CopySrc -Force -Recurse

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您不需要附加模块或WMI。只需自己设置FileSystemWatcher并注册一个事件。当然,这是更多的代码,但至少你知道发生了什么。 :)

$watcher = new-object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = 'c:\logs'
$watcher.Filter = '*.log'  # whatever you need
$watcher.IncludeSubDirectories = $true  # if needed
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true

Register-ObjectEvent $watcher -EventName Changed -SourceIdentifier 'Watcher' -Action { param($sender, $eventArgs) 
   <process event here>


Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier 'Watcher'

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这可能是您需要的:Monitoring file creation using WMI and PowerEvents module

