请协助在Spring Data Application中在MongoDB查询下面进行转换。
{$match: { $and: [
{"domain": "google.com"},
{"locale": {$in: ["en-in", "en-us"]}},
{"contents.contentName": "Template1"}
{$unwind: "$contents"},
{$unwind: "$contents.fields"},
{$match: { "contents.fields.title": {$in: ["Company Name"]}}},
{$group: { "_id": "$_id",
"contents": { "$push": "$contents" },
"root": {$first:"$$ROOT"} }},
MatchOperation matchOperation = match(where("domain").is("google.com").andOperator(
UnwindOperation unwindOperation = unwind("contents");
UnwindOperation unwindOperation1 = unwind("contents.fields");
MatchOperation matchOperation1 = match(where("contents.fields.title").in("First Name"));
GroupOperation groupOperation = group("id").push("$contents").as("contents").first(Aggregation.ROOT).as("root");
"timestamp": "2019-02-06T07:43:04.843+0000",
"message": "Command failed with error 40400 (Location40400): '$mergeObjects requires object inputs, but input [{contentName: \"Template_1\", fields: {alternateText: \"First Name alternate text.\", description: \"First Name description.\", fieldId: \"firstname\", fieldType: \"Plain Text\", placeholder: \"Enter your first name.\", title: \"First Name\", value: \"Joginder\"}}] is of type array' on server The full response is { \"ok\" : 0.0, \"errmsg\" : \"$mergeObjects requires object inputs, but input [{contentName: \\\"Template_1\\\", fields: {alternateText: \\\"First Name alternate text.\\\", description: \\\"First Name description.\\\", fieldId: \\\"firstname\\\", fieldType: \\\"Plain Text\\\", placeholder: \\\"Enter your first name.\\\", title: \\\"First Name\\\", value: \\\"Joginder\\\"}}] is of type array\", \"code\" : 40400, \"codeName\" : \"Location40400\" }; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 40400 (Location40400): '$mergeObjects requires object inputs, but input [{contentName: \"Template_1\", fields: {alternateText: \"First Name alternate text.\", description: \"First Name description.\", fieldId: \"firstname\", fieldType: \"Plain Text\", placeholder: \"Enter your first name.\", title: \"First Name\", value: \"test\"}}] is of type array' on server The full response is { \"ok\" : 0.0, \"errmsg\" : \"$mergeObjects requires object inputs, but input [{contentName: \\\"Template_1\\\", fields: {alternateText: \\\"First Name alternate text.\\\", description: \\\"First Name description.\\\", fieldId: \\\"firstname\\\", fieldType: \\\"Plain Text\\\", placeholder: \\\"Enter your first name.\\\", title: \\\"First Name\\\", value: \\\"test\\\"}}] is of type array\", \"code\" : 40400, \"codeName\" : \"Location40400\" }",
"details": "uri=/test/test/template/Template_1/domain/test.com