
时间:2019-01-28 22:14:42

标签: python


actions = ['turn light on']

while True:
    while player_input not in actions:
        print('i dont know what you mean by',player_input)
        player_input = input('>')

if player_input == ('turn light on'):
    actions.remove('turn light on')
    actions.append('go to kitchen')
    actions.append('turn light off')

    points = int(points+100)

    print('you have',points,'points')
    print('it is bright in your room')
    print('you hear your dad say something in the kitchen')

    player_input = input('>')

    if player_input == ('go to kitchen'):
        actions.remove('go to kitchen')
        actions.remove('turn light off')
        actions.append('eat eggs')
        actions.append('eat bacon')
        actions.append('eat dad')

        print('you go to the kitchen and your dad asks what you want for breakfast')
        print('do you want to eat bacon or eggs')


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您有缩进错误while True将无限期运行。 如果要执行所有的if,请放在while中。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您将while player_input not in actions循环放入无限while True循环中。这将导致您的内部循环无限期地运行。您所需要做的就是删除while True循环,它应该可以工作:

while player_input not in actions:
    print('i dont know what you mean by',player_input)
    player_input = input('>')


另请参阅:How to run the Python program forever?