我制作了一款名为“Nim'游戏”的游戏。在Netbeans。基本上,产生15-30之间的随机数量的宝石,并且计算机和玩家轮流采取1-3个宝石,直到没有留下。拿最后一块石头的玩家输了。我以jframe形式对此进行编码。我想确保玩家不输入大于3,小于1且大于总石头数的数字,所以我做了一个带有if语句的while循环,用于符合要求的输入和else语句如果他们没有遇到。我的问题是,当玩家确实输入了不应输入的数字时,不会显示任何错误消息,游戏将继续正常进行。 这是我认为问题所在:
public int playerInput(){
// Getting the user input and converting it into an integer
int userIn = Integer.parseInt(txtIn.getText());
boolean input = false;
// Do this while the input isn't between 1-3 and higher than the total amount of rocks
if (userIn < 3 || userIn > 1 || userIn < totalStone){
input = true;
// Output an error message
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nEnter a number between 1 - 3 and less than the amount of stones left.");
// return the amount of rocks the user takes
return userIn;
public void computerMove() {
// Generating a number for the computer's move
int comIn = (int)(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
// If number generated is bigger than the total stones,
if (comIn > totalStone){
// Get the difference between the total and the random number
int totalComDiff = Math.abs(totalStone - comIn);
// Subtract the difference from the random number
comIn -= totalComDiff;
// Substract the rocks taken from the total
totalStone -= comIn;
// Display a message of the rocks taken and the rocks left
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nThe computer picked up " +comIn +" stone(s). There are " +totalStone +" stones left.");
// Otherwise, if the random number is smaller than the total,
else if (comIn < totalStone){
// Substract the rocks taken from the total
totalStone -= comIn;
// Display a message of the rocks taken and the rocks left
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nThe computer picked up " +comIn +" stone(s). There are " +totalStone +" stones left.");
// If the total equals amount the computer takes,
else if (totalStone == comIn){
// Substract the rocks taken from the total
totalStone -= comIn;
// Display a message of the rocks taken and the rocks left
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nThe computer picked up " +comIn +" stone(s). There are " +totalStone +" stones left.");
// Display a message that says the player wins
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nThere are no more stones left. The player wins!");
// Otherwise, if the amount of stones is 0,
else if (totalStone == 0){
// Display an end game message
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() + "\nThe game has ended.");
public void playerMove(){
// If there are no more stones left,
if (playerInput() == totalStone){
// Subtracting how much the player took from the total amount of rocks
totalStone -= playerInput();
// Displaying how many rocks were taken and how many are left
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nYou picked up " +playerInput() +" stone(s). There are " +totalStone +" stones left.");
// Display a message that says the computer wins
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() + "\nThere are no more stones left. The computer wins.");
else if (playerInput() != totalStone){
// Subtracting how much the player took from the total amount of rocks
totalStone -= playerInput();
// Displaying how many rocks were taken and how many are left
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nYou picked up " +playerInput() +" stone(s). There are " +totalStone +" stones left.");
else if (totalStone <= 0){
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() + "\nThe game has ended.");
private void btnEnterActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
if (totalStone > 0){
// Display how many rocks there are
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"\nThere are " +totalStone +" stones.");
// The player does their move
if (totalStone > 0){
// Computer does a turn
else if (totalStone == 0){
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() + "\nThe game has ended.");
private void btnResetActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// Generating another random number
totalStone = (int)(Math.random() * 15) + 15;
// Clearing all the textfields
// Outputting the number of starting stones
txtaOut.setText(txtaOut.getText() +"There are " +totalStone +" stones. It's your turn.");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
a : 2
b : 2
a : 1
b : 0
另一方面&amp;&amp;代表'和'和'!'代表不。因此,您基本上希望满足所有条件,并检查它们是否不是通过将它们放入括号并放置! (否定)在前面
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您还应该使用&amp;&amp;来检查是否满足所有条件。 您需要一个(&lt; = 3)AND(&gt; = 1)AND(&lt; = totalStones)
的数字public int playerInput () {
int userIn;
do {
System.out.println("Enter a number between 1 - 3 and less than the amount of stones left.")
userIn = Integer.parseInt (txtIn.getText ());
} while (!(userIn <= 3 && userIn >= 1 && userIn <= totalStone));