
时间:2019-01-28 17:05:33

标签: python scipy minimize odeint

我正在尝试使用scipy中的ODEINT和MINIMIZE在时域中进行参数估计。 我尝试了2种整合策略。首先,在单个时间步内调用ODEINT,然后在整个持续时间内调用ODEINT。




import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def FOPDTmodel(output_value, t, params, t_vector, input_vector, output0):

    """First order model with time delay. Also called 
       First order plus dead time (FOPDT)

        output_value (float): the output (see equation above) for the step (delta t)
        t (float): time value to be used to calculate dy/dt
        params (list): parameters of the model:
            params[0] (float): Kp - gain
            params[1] (float): tau - time constant
            params[2] (float): theta - dead time
        t_vector (np.array of float): time vector
        input_vector (np.array of float): the input vector matching the time vector
        output0 (float): initial value for the output at time zero

        float: dy/dy calculated for the conditions

    #ideas from: https://apmonitor.com/pdc/index.php/Main/FirstOrderOptimization

    Kp = params[0]
    tau = params[1]
    theta = params[2]

    input0 = input_vector[0]

    input_interp = interp1d(t_vector, input_vector)

    if ((t-theta)<= 0) or (t<0.0):
        input_value = input_interp(0.0)
    elif ((t-theta)> t_vector[-1]) or (t>t_vector[-1]):
        input_value = input_vector[-1]
        input_value = input_interp(t-theta)        

    dydt = (-(output_value-output0) + Kp * (input_value-input0))/tau
    return dydt

def integrate_model(model, step_output_value, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector):
    """Integrator function - this function's intent is to return the integral of dy/dt
       over the whole time vector, using "odeint" over ONE time step at a time.

        model (function object): the function that returns dy/dt (the model)
        step_output_value (float): the output for the first step
        params (list): parameters of the model:
            params[0] (float): Kp - gain
            params[1] (float): tau - time constant
            params[2] (float): theta - dead time
        t_vector (np.array of float): time vector
        input_vector (np.array of float): the input vector matching the time vector
        output0 (float): initial value for the output at time zero

        np.array of floats: for each time in time vector, return the model output, integrated

    # define the collector for each integration step
    model_output = np.zeros(len(t_vector))
    for i in range(len(t_vector)-1):
        ts = [t_vector[i], t_vector[i+1]]
        step_args_list = [list(params), t_vector, input_vector, output_vector[0]]
        step_args = tuple(step_args_list)
        step_output = odeint(model, step_output_value, ts, args=step_args)
        model_output[i+1] = step_output[1]
        step_output_value = step_output[1]
    return model_output

def integrate_model2(model, step_output_value, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector):
    """Same idea, but now "odeint" integrates all interval by itself

    step_args_list = [list(params), t_vector, input_vector, output_vector[0]]
    step_args = tuple(step_args_list)

    model_output = odeint(model, step_output_value, t_vector, args=step_args)
    return model_output

# unit test

# lets try a 3-2-1-1 input

input_shape = [2,3,2,1,1,5]
input_amplitudes = [0,1,-1,1,-1,0]

time_step = 0.1

u = 0
previous_t = 0
current_t = 0

# generate the input vector
for i in range(len(input_shape)):
    current_t = current_t + input_shape[i]
    u = np.append(u, np.ones((int((current_t-previous_t)/time_step)))*input_amplitudes[i])
    previous_t = previous_t + input_shape[i]

# we need a time vector of the same length
t_vector = np.linspace(0, sum(input_shape), len(u))
print('time vector length: {}, input vector length: {}'.format(len(t_vector), len(u)))

input_vector = u
output_vector = u*2 #for now
Kp_model = 2
tau_model = 1
theta_model = 1

params = [Kp_model, tau_model, theta_model]

init_cond = output_vector[0]

sim_data = integrate_model(FOPDTmodel, init_cond, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector)
sim_data2 = integrate_model2(FOPDTmodel, init_cond, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector)
plt.plot(t_vector,sim_data,'r--', label='Output')
plt.plot(t_vector,sim_data2,'g--', label='Output2')
plt.plot(t_vector, input_vector, 'b-', label='Input')

# Cost function definition: squares of the errors
def lq_functional(est_param, model, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector):
    """Cost function - returns the squared of the differences between model and measured output data

        est_params (list): parameters of the model:
            params[0] (float): Kp - gain
            params[1] (float): tau - time constant
            params[2] (float): theta - dead time
        model (function object): the function that returns dy/dt (the model)
        init_condition (float): the output for the first step (initial output at time zero)
        t_vector (np.array of float): time vector
        input_vector (np.array of float): the input vector matching the time vector
        output_vector (np.array of float): measured output vector

        float: sum of the squared difference sum(model - measured output)**2

    Kp_est = est_param[0]
    tau_est = est_param[1]
    theta_est = est_param[2]
    params = [Kp_est, tau_est, theta_est]
    calc_output = integrate_model(model, init_condition, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector)
    err = 0.0
    for i in range(len(t_vector)-1):
        err = err + (calc_output[i] - output_vector[i])**2
    return err

def lq_functional2(est_param, model, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector):
    """Same thing, but using integrate_model2
    Kp_est = est_param[0]
    tau_est = est_param[1]
    theta_est = est_param[2]
    params = [Kp_est, tau_est, theta_est]
    calc_output = integrate_model2(model, init_condition, params, t_vector, input_vector, output_vector)
    err = 0.0
    for i in range(len(t_vector)-1):
        err = err + (calc_output[i] - output_vector[i])**2
    return float(err)

# unit test - cost function
# so now I can 'guess' some values and calculate the error
Kp_est = 2
tau_est = 1
theta_est = 0

init_condition = sim_data[0]

est_param = [Kp_est, tau_est, theta_est]

cost = lq_functional(est_param, FOPDTmodel, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, sim_data)
print('Calulated cost function, no noise: {}'.format(cost))

# Add noise to data so that we can check if we can identify the parameters

sim_data_corrupted = np.random.normal(sim_data,0.5)
cost = lq_functional(est_param, FOPDTmodel, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, sim_data_corrupted)
cost2 = lq_functional2(est_param, FOPDTmodel, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, sim_data_corrupted)
print('Calulated cost function, with noise: {}'.format(cost))
print('Calulated cost2 function, with noise: {}'.format(cost2))


# Parameter Identification - minimize the functional
x0 = [Kp_est, tau_est, theta_est]
res = optimize.minimize(lq_functional, x0, args=(FOPDTmodel, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, sim_data))
res2 = optimize.minimize(lq_functional2, x0, args=(FOPDTmodel, init_condition, t_vector, input_vector, sim_data2))

print('results with piecewise integration')
print('results with whole interval integration')


time vector length: 141, input vector length: 141
Calulated cost function, no noise: 101.11625776819666
Calulated cost function, with noise: 145.64124970748537
Calulated cost2 function, with noise: 145.64125759948672

results with piecewise integration
      fun: 4.388434235295435e-14
 hess_inv: array([[ 0.04835563,  0.03152493, -0.00713219],
       [ 0.03152493,  0.03621244, -0.00812973],
       [-0.00713219, -0.00812973,  0.00470696]])
      jac: array([ -7.11831968e-07,   1.93578035e-06,   5.74649344e-06])
  message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
     nfev: 93
      nit: 12
     njev: 18
   status: 0
  success: True
        x: array([ 1.99999996,  0.99999998,  1.00000001])

results with whole interval integration
      fun: 13.884320943542953
 hess_inv: array([[ 0.13204289, -0.1932133 ,  0.23462904],
       [-0.1932133 ,  0.37258444, -0.44843942],
       [ 0.23462904, -0.44843942,  0.54146373]])
      jac: array([-13.79523265,  52.3177942 ,  54.71900034])
  message: 'Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.'
     nfev: 247
      nit: 2
     njev: 47
   status: 2
  success: False
        x: array([ 2.09032193,  1.87545011,  0.6178844 ])



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