我设置自定义深文件扫描器对于非常大的文件大小(在10GB +的范围)。我必须优化这些文件在“N”关键字数量的搜索,像线数值和计数来计算的。因此,必须修改算法的常规应用以适应特殊需求。
第三:我想使用Pool.map函数来处理所述多线程和multiprocessess如何最好地具有使用该共享变量。 ?
我使用队列尝试,价值和atlast Manager服务器进程传递进程和线程之间的值。我很困惑如何获得结果。
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool, Manager,
from contextlib import contextmanager
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from itertools import count, product
key_list = []
def poolContext(*args, **kwargs):
pool = Pool(*args, **kwargs)
yield pool
class FileDetails:
listvar = []
def __init__ (self, *args):
file_name =filename
file_path = filepath
class KeyWord:
dictvar1 = defaultdict()
dictvar2 = defaultdict ()
def __init__(self,key_name,lang_name):
self.name = key_name
self.lang_name = lang_name
def __call__(self,*args):
* update the dictvars1,dictvar2 with the arguments passed *
def scanEngine(line_no, line, key, filename, key_obj_list)
* scan algorithm *
*if condition is satisfied *
for keyobj in key_obj_list:
if keyobj.name == key:
* update the object parameter *
def unpacker2(args):
def threadingFunct(file_obj,key_obj_list):
args_list_thread = []
tpool = ThreadPool(4)
file_name = file_obj.file_name
with open(file_obj.file_path,'r') as content :
file_content = content.readlines()
for line_no,line in enumerate(file_content):
for keyword in file_obj.key_list:
args_list_thread.append(line_no+1,line, keyword,file_name, key_obj_list) #i want to update the details in the key_object_list for each keyword scanned.so its passed to the main scan engine function.
results = tpool.map(unpacker2, args_list_thread)
def unpacker(args):
return threadingFunct(*args)
def multiprocessingFunct(filtered_file_lst):
args_list = []
manager = Manager()
manager_key_list = manager.List(key_list) #so that i can access is the processes.
for obj in filtered_file_lst):
args_list.append((obj, key_list)) # for the pool arguments.. getting each object a copy of the object2_list
with poolContext(processes = cpu_count) as p:
results = p.map(unpacker ,args_list[])
def main(arg1, arg2):
file_list = getObject1List(*args) #function defined to create file objects
key_list = getObject2List(*args) #function defined to create keyword objects
for obj in file_list:
if condition== True:
预期的结果: 在每次执行一个正线程之后,带有相应关键字的Keyword对象应在其中附加值,包括行号 无需重复。