为什么“加热光环”的此脚本不起作用? Unity 2D C#

时间:2019-01-25 16:32:26

标签: c# unity3d 2d coroutine

我正在使用Microsoft Visual Studio。


关于在线治疗光环的内容不多,我可以找到一些有关协程的信息。 YouTube上的一部视频正是我想要的(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE9BHGgVP4A)。我找到了许多有关健康保险的教程,但它们对我要完成的工作没有帮助。

该代码无法正常工作,因此我对其进行了修补以尝试对其进行修复。现在抛出错误“ NullReferenceException:对象引用未设置为对象Warmth.OnTriggerEnter2D(UnityEngine.Collider2D col)的实例(在Assets / Scripts / Warmth.cs:19处)” 虽然,我认为他们可能比这个错误更多。


using System.Collections;

using UnityEngine;

public class Warmth : MonoBehaviour
// Refrence to Freezing component (Basically the players "Health")
private Freezing frz;
public GameObject Player; // Reference to Player component

private void Start()
    // Shortens GetComponent to frz (Getting component "Freezing", to get "currentTemp")
    frz = GetComponent<Freezing>();
    Player = GetComponent<GameObject>(); // Shortens GetComponent to Player

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) // When Collider enters GameObject
    // If GameObject's name is equal to Player, and currentTemp is less then 100
    if (col.gameObject.name.Equals("Player") && frz.currentTemp < 100)
    { StartCoroutine("Warm"); } // Start Coroutine Warm

void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D col) // When Collider exits GameObject
    // If GameObject's name is equal to Player
    if (col.gameObject.name.Equals("Player"))
    { StopCoroutine("Warm"); } // Stop Coroutine Warm

IEnumerator Warm()
    // Check currentTemp's current amount, while currentTemp is less than or equal to 100, add value 1
    for (float currentTemp = frz.currentTemp; currentTemp <= 100; currentTemp += 1f)
        frz.currentTemp = currentTemp;
        // Time.deltaTime slows each loop
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime);
    frz.currentTemp = 100; // Sets Temp to 100 at the end of the loop




using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Freezing : MonoBehaviour

public float startingTemp = 100; //Starting Temp
public float currentTemp;  //Current Temp
public Slider tempSlider; //Refrence for TempatureBar

private bool isFroze; //To check if player froze to death
private Animator anim; //Reference to the Animator component.
private PlayerController pc; //Refrence to the PlayerController component

private void Start()
    // Shortens GetComponent to anim.
    anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
    // Shortens GetComponent to pc
    pc = GetComponent<PlayerController>();

void Awake()
    // Set the initial temp of the player.
    currentTemp = startingTemp;

private void Update()
    if (isFroze == false) //Makes sure player isn't already dead
    { currentTemp -= Time.deltaTime; } //Minus player temp by deltatime

    // Set the temp bar's value to the current temp.
    tempSlider.value = currentTemp;

    if (currentTemp < 0) //Checks if temp is 0
        //Enables death animation
        isFroze = true;
        //Disables PlayerController
        pc.enabled = false;

    anim.SetBool("isFroze", isFroze); //Set isFroze to isFroze in the animator





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