gps报告/通过邮件/ smtp发出警报

时间:2019-01-25 14:18:16

标签: python-3.x email gps smtplib

只是为了分享一个用于覆盆子的小python3代码,当我将它留在锚点时,我用它来控制我的船: 它从树莓派上的usb gps读取数据,并通过mail / smtp发送报告:每毫米分钟(1 0或位置变化的情况下。 (对于互联网连接,我使用通过wifi连接到树莓的4G Airbox)


我不喜欢的一件事是允许在我的Google帐户上通过smtp发送邮件,我不得不在安全性参数上“不允许任何安全的应用程序” 有什么办法可以保留正常的安全参数?

import gps
import time
import sys, os
import smtplib
# Listen on port 2947 (gpsd) of localhost
session = gps.gps("localhost", "2947") | gps.WATCH_NEWSTYLE)
msg = "0"
subject = "gps"
lat = -0.000001
lon = -0.000001
speed = 0.001
time0 = ""
minutes = "00"
secondes = "00"
# delai envoi mails en min (<=60)
delai = 60
# tolérance vitesse max
maxspeed = 0.2
# tolérance variation latitude et longitudes alerte position (max entre 2 positions successives ou entre position courante et initiale)
ecartlat = 0.000005
ecartlon = 0.000005
# pour éviter de trop d'alertes en cas de dérive permanente, la tolérance sur les écarts à la position initiale sera augmentée toutes les 3 alertes
ecartinitlat = ecartlat
ecartinitlon = ecartlon
# position initiale ( moyenne sur 120  mesures  ~ 2 minutes)
averagelat = 0.0
somlat = 0.0
averagelon = 0.0
somlon = 0.0
# nombre lectures
n = 0
nalertinitlat = 0
nalertinitlon = 0
nalertspeed = 0
while True:
        report =
        # Wait for a 'TPV' report and display the current time
        # To see all report data, uncomment the line below
        # print(report)
        if report['class'] == 'TPV':
            if hasattr(report, 'time') and hasattr(report, 'speed') and hasattr(report, 'lat') and hasattr(report, 'lon'):
                n += 1
                subject = "gps"
                time0 = report.time
                minutes = time0[14:16]
                secondes = time0[17:19]
                speed = report.speed
                if n < 120:
                    somlat +=
                    averagelat = somlat/n
                    if abs( > ecartlat:
                        print("ecart lat: ", averagelat - 
                    somlon += report.lon
                    averagelon = somlon/n
                    if abs(averagelon-report.lon) > ecartlon:
                        print("ecart lon: ", averagelon - report.lon)
                elif n == 120:
                    averagelat = round(averagelat,6)
                    averagelon = round(averagelon,6)
                    print("lat initial: ", averagelat, "\r\nlon initial: ", averagelon)
                # try sending the email alert si vitesse>0 ou changement position>ecart ou toutes les "delai" minutes (à 00s)
                elif (((int(minutes)+1) % delai == 0) and (int(secondes)  == 0)) or report.speed >= maxspeed or abs( - averagelat) > ecartinitlat or abs(report.lon - averagelon) > ecartinitlon or  abs( - lat) > ecartlat or abs(report.lon - lon) > ecartlon:
                    if speed >= maxspeed:
                        subject += " ALERT SPEED"
                        nalertspeed += 1
                        if nalertspeed > 2:
                            subject += " MAXSPEED+"
                            maxspeed += 0.01
                            nalertspeed = 0
                    if abs( - averagelat) > ecartinitlat or  abs(report.lon - averagelon) > ecartinitlon:
                        subject += " ALERT POSITION INITIALE"
                        if abs( - averagelat) > ecartinitlat:
                            nalertinitlat +=1
                            if nalertinitlat > 2:
                                subject += " ECART POS INIT LAT+"
                                nalertinitlat = 0
                                ecartinitlat += abs( - averagelat)
                        if abs(report.lon - averagelon) > ecartinitlon:
                            nalertinitlon += 1
                            if nalertinitlon > 2:
                                subject += " ECART POS INIT LON+"
                                nalertinitlon = 0
                                ecartinitlon += abs(report.lon - averagelon)
                    if abs( - lat) > ecartlat or abs(report.lon - lon) > ecartlon:
                        subject += " ALERT POSITIONS SUCCESSIVES"
                    msg = """From:\nTo:\nSubject: {}\n\ntime: {}\r\nspeed: {}\r\nlat: {} , ecart initial: {}\r\nlon: {} , ecart initial: {}""".format(str('%s' % (subject)), str('%s' % (time0)), str('%f' % (speed)), str('%f' % (, str('%f' % (averagelat -, str('%f' % (report.lon)), str('%f' % (averagelon - report.lon)))
                        server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
                        server.login("", "totopassword")
                        server.sendmail("", "", msg)
                    except smtplib.SMTPException as err:
                        print (str(err))
                        print("Couldn't send mail")
                lat =
                lon = report.lon
    except KeyError:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except StopIteration:
        session = None
        print("GPSD has terminated")

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