
时间:2019-01-25 01:13:37

标签: haskell conduit


import           Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators       as DCC
import           Data.CSV.Conduit
import           Data.Function                  ((&))
import           Data.List.Split                (splitOn)
import           Data.Map                       as DM
import           Data.Text                      (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                      as Txt
import qualified Data.Text.IO                   as DTIO
import           Data.Vector                    (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                    as DV
import           Path
import           System.FilePath.Posix

retrieveSmaXtec :: Path Abs Dir -> IO (Vector (MapRow Text))
retrieveSmaXtec sxDir = do
  files <- sourceDirectoryDeep False (fromAbsDir sxDir) & return
  fileVector <- return $ runConduit $ files .| sinkVector
  csvRowsByFile <- runConduit ((yieldM fileVector) .| DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector)
  fNameRows <- readFnameData $ yieldM fileVector
  (pairFill fNameRows csvRowsByFile)
    & fmap (uncurry DM.union)
    & return
    fileList :: Path Abs Dir -> IO (Vector FilePath)
    fileList dir = sourceDirectoryDeep False (fromAbsDir sxDir) .| sinkVector & runConduit

    expandZip :: MapRow Text -> Vector (MapRow Text) -> Vector (MapRow Text, MapRow Text)
    expandZip one many = zip (replicate mlen one) many
        mlen = length many

    pairFill :: Vector (MapRow Text) -> Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)) -> Vector (MapRow Text, MapRow Text)
    pairFill ones manies = join $ fmap (uncurry expandZip) (zip ones manies)

    processCSV :: FilePath -> IO (Vector (MapRow Text))
    processCSV fp = sourceFile fp
      .| intoCSV defCSVSettings
      .| sinkVector
      & runConduitRes
    readFnameData :: (MonadThrow m, MonadResource m, PrimMonad m) => ConduitT () FilePath m () -> m (Vector (MapRow Text))
    readFnameData files = runConduit $ files .| processFileName .| sinkVector

    processFileName :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, PrimMonad m) =>
      ConduitT FilePath (MapRow Text) m ()
    processFileName = mapC go
        go :: FilePath -> MapRow Text
        go fp = takeFileName fp
          & takeWhile (/= '.')
          & splitOn "_"
          & fmap Txt.pack
          & zip colNames
          & DM.fromList
        colNames = [markKey, idKey]


    * Couldn't match type `Char' with `[Char]'
      Expected type: ConduitM
                       [FilePath] Void IO (Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)))
        Actual type: ConduitM
                       FilePath Void IO (Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)))
    * In the second argument of `(.|)', namely
        `DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector'
      In the first argument of `runConduit', namely
        `((yieldM fileVector) .| DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector)'
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        csvRowsByFile <- runConduit
                           ((yieldM fileVector) .| DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector)
40 |   csvRowsByFile <- runConduit ((yieldM fileVector) .| DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector)
   |                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    * Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `Char'
      Expected type: ConduitT () FilePath IO ()
        Actual type: ConduitT () [FilePath] IO ()
    * In the second argument of `($)', namely `yieldM fileVector'
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        fNameRows <- readFnameData $ yieldM fileVector
      In the expression:
        do files <- sourceDirectoryDeep False (fromAbsDir sxDir) & return
           fileVector <- return $ runConduit $ files .| sinkVector
           csvRowsByFile <- runConduit
                              ((yieldM fileVector) .| DCC.mapM processCSV .| sinkVector)
           fNameRows <- readFnameData $ yieldM fileVector
41 |   fNameRows <- readFnameData $ yieldM fileVector
   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

这个问题以另一种形式在How to merge one-to-one and one-to-many input:output relationships in conduit?开始,但是现在我只是想让它正常工作, anyhow

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

睡了一会儿,花了更多时间后,我想出了一个解决方案。我仍然不太明白为什么我尝试过的某些方法不起作用,但是我对最终结果感到很满意(如果不是我到达那里所走的道路,但至少有时是learning is pain)。此处的主要区别在于,我决定重新使用sourceDirectoryDeep管道(现在为files),而不是尝试将其直接转换为向量。我还必须更加聪明地写processCSV,但确实有一个错误的转弯,这仍然使我感到困惑(Why can one sometimes get "No instance for CSV Text Text arising from a use of `intoCSV`" when using csv-conduit?)。

retrieveSmaXtec :: Path Abs Dir -> IO (Vector SxRecord)
retrieveSmaXtec sxDir = do
  csvRows <- getCsvRows
  fnameRows <- getFileNameRows
  rows <- return $ pairFill fnameRows csvRows & fmap (uncurry DM.union)
  print rows
  rows & fmap fromRow & catMaybes & return
    getCsvRows :: IO (Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)))
    getCsvRows = files .| processCSV & runConduitRes

    getFileNameRows :: IO (Vector (MapRow Text))
    getFileNameRows = files .| processFileName & runConduitRes

    files :: MonadResource m => ConduitT () FilePath m ()
    files = sourceDirectoryDeep False (fromAbsDir sxDir)

    expandZip :: MapRow Text -> Vector (MapRow Text) -> Vector (MapRow Text, MapRow Text)
    expandZip one many_ = zip (replicate mlen one) many_
        mlen = length many_

    pairFill :: Vector (MapRow Text) -> Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)) -> Vector (MapRow Text, MapRow Text)
    pairFill ones manies = join $ fmap (uncurry expandZip) (zip ones manies)

    processCSV :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, PrimMonad m) =>
      ConduitT FilePath Void m (Vector (Vector (MapRow Text)))
    processCSV = mapMC (readCSVFile defCSVSettings) .| sinkVector

    processFileName :: (MonadResource m, MonadThrow m, PrimMonad m) =>
      ConduitT FilePath Void m (Vector (MapRow Text))
    processFileName = mapC go
      .| sinkVector
        go :: FilePath -> MapRow Text
        go fp = takeFileName fp
          & takeWhile (/= '.')
          & splitOn "_"
          & fmap Txt.pack
          & zip colNames
          & DM.fromList
        colNames = [markKey, idKey]