Society_ID Order_Count Delivery_Time Latitude Longitude
1 605 1:08:42 28.413494 77.045502
2 168 1:15:57 28.426756 77.039543
3 431 1:57:06 28.403252 77.047073
7 216 1:18:04 28.401499 77.052734
8 212 1:05:29 28.394922 77.029305
9 65 0:39:01 28.393707 77.028603
10 59 0:43:00 28.42454 77.034126
11 199 1:22:37 28.424129 77.036095
12 54 0:22:32 28.404266 77.045349
14 117 0:56:28 28.407686 77.059799
15 143 1:07:25 28.414696 77.069862
16 183 0:50:37 28.425392 77.042679
17 151 0:31:52 28.413244 77.111946
18 209 1:10:47 28.406481 77.04248
19 118 0:43:25 28.412949 77.069412
20 131 0:44:55 28.41283 77.057426
import pandas as pd
import googlemaps
from itertools import tee
# Requires API key
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='API KEY')
df1 = df.iloc[[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]
def pairwise(iterable):
a, b = tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
#empty list - will be used to store calculated distances
list = [0]
# Loop through each row in the data frame using pairwise
for (i1, row1), (i2, row2) in pairwise(df1.iterrows()):
#Assign latitude and longitude as origin/departure points
LatOrigin = row1['latitude']
LongOrigin = row1['longitude']
origins = (LatOrigin,LongOrigin)
#Assign latitude and longitude from the next row as the destination point
LatDest = row2['latitude'] # Save value as lat
LongDest = row2['longitude'] # Save value as lat
destination = (LatDest,LongDest)
#pass origin and destination variables to distance_matrix function# output in meters
result = gmaps.distance_matrix(origins, destination, mode='driving')["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
#append result to list
df1['Distance'] = list
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