
时间:2018-12-30 16:28:48

标签: r dataframe

我正在寻找一个函数,以便通过列名的末尾将一个数据帧拆分为几个数据帧。 举个例子:

Year | hour | LOT | S123_AA | S135_AA | S1763_BB | S173_BB | ...


Year | hour | LOT | S123_AA | S135_AA |

Year | hour | LOT | S1763_BB | S173_BB |



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


df_AA = df[,c(1:3, grep("_AA$", colnames(df)))]
df_BB = df[,c(1:3, grep("_BB$", colnames(df)))]

答案 1 :(得分:3)


#make some sample data
x <- data.frame(Year = rnorm(3), hour = rnorm(3), LOT =  rnorm(3),S123_AA =  rnorm(3),S135_AA =  rnorm(3),S1763_BB =   rnorm(3),S173_BB =  rnorm(3))

#list the common columns
common_cols <- c("Year", "hour", "LOT")
#use grepl() to subset the columns that contain AA or BB
aa_cols <- names(x)[grepl("AA", names(x))]
bb_cols <- names(x)[grepl("BB", names(x))]

#create two new data frames
x_a <- x[, c(common_cols, aa_cols)]
x_b <- x[, c(common_cols, bb_cols)]

答案 2 :(得分:2)


i <- grep("_AA$", names(df1))
j <- grep("_BB$", names(df1))

dfA <- df1[, -j]    # Exclude the 'BB' columns
dfB <- df1[, -i]    # Exclude the 'AA' columns



df1 %>%
  select(names(.)[!grepl("_BB$", names(.))])

df1 %>%
  select(names(.)[!grepl("_AA$", names(.))])

根据user NColl's comment中的建议,这可以更tidyverse地出现。

df1 %>% select(-ends_with('_BB'))

df1 %>% select(-ends_with('_AA'))


df1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:49, ncol = 7))
nms <- scan(what = character(), sep = "|",
            text = "Year | hour | LOT | S123_AA | S135_AA | S1763_BB | S173_BB ")
names(df1) <- trimws(nms)

答案 3 :(得分:1)


# Sample data
df <- data.frame(
  Year = rnorm(3), 
  hour = rnorm(3), 
  LOT = rnorm(3), 
  S123_AA = rnorm(3), 
  S135_AA = rnorm(3), 
  S1763_BB = rnorm(3), 
  S173_BB = rnorm(3)

# Our groups
groups <- unique(gsub(".*_", "", names(df[grep("_", colnames(df))])))
#> [1] "AA" "BB"

# Our group regex's
groupx <- paste0("_", groups, "$")
#> [1] "_AA$" "_BB$"

lapply(groupx, function(x) df[, c(1:3, grep(x, colnames(df)))])
#> [[1]]
#>          Year       hour       LOT   S123_AA     S135_AA
#> 1  0.07940092 -1.2628189  1.629389 -1.376438 -0.94292025
#> 2 -2.04122298  0.7471061  0.291170 -2.126642  0.24355149
#> 3  0.11448519  0.1710263 -0.736140 -1.087515 -0.07720119
#> [[2]]
#>          Year       hour       LOT   S1763_BB    S173_BB
#> 1  0.07940092 -1.2628189  1.629389 -0.3593335 0.64176748
#> 2 -2.04122298  0.7471061  0.291170  1.7928938 0.36021859
#> 3  0.11448519  0.1710263 -0.736140 -0.7853338 0.01439278

reprex package(v0.2.1)于2018-12-31创建

答案 4 :(得分:1)


  • NO BB表示将保留AA和第1〜3列
  • NOA AA表示将保留BB和第1〜3列

A <- ! grepl("BB", names(df))
B <- ! grepl("AA", names(df))

df[, A]
#   Year hour LOT S123_AA S135_AA
# 1    1    8  15      22      29
# 2    2    9  16      23      30
# 3    3   10  17      24      31

df[, B]
#   Year hour LOT S1763_BB S173_BB
# 1    1    8  15       36      43
# 2    2    9  16       37      44
# 3    3   10  17       38      45