
时间:2018-12-29 18:44:13

标签: lambda signature mercury

(以下摘录来自该test suite,它是找到的here两个文件程序的一半。)


我怀疑问题可能在于我能够为类型级别谓词指定类型签名以及模式签名,但只能为lambda指定模式签名。 (如果那是问题,我不知道该怎么办。)


:- pred helper( query, int ).
:- mode helper( in, out ) is nondet.
helper( Q, F ) :-
  inQuery( fiveNumberSpace, Q, F ).

testQAnd = Res :-
    QQF = qqFind( qFind( list.filter( <(3) ) ) )
  , QQC = qqCond( qCond( func( Int )
                         = (if Int > 4 then no else yes) ) )
  , Helper = ( pred( Q :: in, F :: out ) is nondet :-
               inQuery( fiveNumberSpace, Q, F ) )

  % TODO Why can't I use Helper instead of helper for these?
  , solutions( helper( qqAnd( [QQF     ] ) ) , F1 )
  , solutions( helper( qqAnd( [QQF, QQC] ) ) , F2 )
  , solutions( helper( qqAnd( [     QQC] ) ) , F3 )


Making Mercury/cs/test.c
test.m:098: In clause for function `testQAnd'/0:
test.m:098:   in argument 1 of call to predicate `solutions'/2:
test.m:098:   in unification of argument
test.m:098:   and term `Helper(V_34)':
test.m:098:   type error in argument(s) of higher-order term (with arity 1).
test.m:098:   Functor (Helper) has type `pred(query.query, int)',
test.m:098:   expected type was `((func V_13) = V_14)'.
** Error making `Mercury/cs/test.c'.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


:- pred fish(string::out, int::out) is multi.
fish("Red", 1).
fish("Blue", 2).
fish("Green", 3).


Helper = (pred(S::in, L::out) is nondet :- fish(S, L)),
solutions(Helper("Red"), Sols)


Helper2 = (pred(X::out) is nondet :- fish("Red", X)),
solutions(Helper2, Sols)


:- func solutions_to(string) = list(int).
solutions_to(Color) = Answers :-
  P = (pred(X::out) is nondet :- fish(Color, X)),
  solutions(P, Answers).


  1. 实施穷人的拉姆达法轮功
  2. 从函数返回lambda谓词


:- type inner
  ---> inner(pred(string:: out, int::out) is multi).
:- type wrapper
  ---> wrapper(pred(int::out) is nondet).

:- func make_pred(inner, string) = wrapper.
make_pred(Inner, Param) = P :-
  Inner = inner(I),
  P = wrapper(pred(X::out) is nondet :- I(Param, X)).


Inner = inner((pred(X::out, Y::out) is multi :- fish(X, Y))),
WP = make_pred(Inner, "Red"),
WP = wrapper(P),
solutions(P, Sols),